Episode 45: end everything right now

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Cronus Romano

I've been tapping my heels impatiently as the meeting dragged on, feeling like it had been hours. I glanced at my watch; this was taking up too much of my time. I needed to hurry things along. I gestured to the employee presenting to the investors, signaling for him to quickly wrap things up, and he nodded. He skipped a few slides and moved straight to the main point of the meeting.

After my speech during the opening of the exhibit, we held a meeting with the investors where our team presented our next project: the Accelerator Hub.

Note: An accelerator, also called an incubator, is like a special program that helps new businesses grow quickly. It gives them advice, tools, a place to work, and finance.

It had only been fifteen minutes since Rose and Jack went to Catrina and Nicholas's base, but it felt like an eternity. I was dying to go and follow them, my mind racing with worry, but I couldn't miss this meeting. The conflicting responsibilities were driving me crazy.

My heart pounded with anxiety, every second stretching longer than the last. The fate of our new project and the safety of the team going out to catch Nicholas and Catrina are both on the line, and I felt torn in two. I tried to focus on the presentation, but my thoughts kept drifting to Rose. Is she safe? I hope Jack does what I instructed him to do.

The moment Rose let slip Jack's name, I knew something was going on. She might even know now that I ordered Jack to look after her way before she ever realized it. That's why I knew everything about Rose: how she never left NYC, where and when she drank her coffee, the routes she liked to drive with her new car, and who the man by her side was. Luckily, I wasn't so mad as to order an end to Nicholas when Jack reported that Rose was his first client.

Jack's loyalty is unwavering. No matter how much anyone threatens him, he always serves one master only. Unfortunately for Rose, that master is me. So I immediately made him tell me everything, and it confirmed my suspicion about Catrina and her relationship with Themis. My blood boiled as I realized how close I had been to ending this deception when Catrina was right in front of me. Jack also told me about the heist and their plans.

Initially, I was against the idea of Rose putting herself in danger, but there's no way I could stop her. When Rose sets her mind on something, nothing can deter her. The thought of her facing such peril tore at my heart, filling me with a mix of fear and admiration. Her determination was both her greatest strength and her most perilous flaw. I knew that no matter what, I had to protect her, even if it meant going against everything I had once believed in.

"What do you think, Mr. Romano?" A voice jolted me out of my swirling thoughts.

"If everyone has no objections to our terms and conditions, we can start the investment process as soon as possible. We will be handing you contracts to sign," I replied, keeping my voice steady despite the turmoil within. One of my employees began distributing the contracts to them.

I watched the scene unfold, my mind barely registering the formalities. Each signature felt like a countdown to the inevitable chaos that awaited me. The weight of the secrets and the urgency of the impending danger pressed heavily on my shoulders.

"Now, gentlemen, please excuse me. I have another important meeting to attend," I said, rising from my seat with a controlled haste.

Without waiting for a response, I left the room, my heart pounding with each step I took down the corridor. The cool, sterile air of the office did little to calm the storm brewing inside me. As I hurried towards my office, a thousand thoughts raced through my mind—Rose's determined face, Catrina's betrayal, Themis's scheming.

Finally, I reached my office. The door opened to reveal Gerald, Seth, Alexandra, and Ressi waiting for me. Their faces reflected a mix of concern and readiness, a mirror to my own turbulent emotions.

"They're on the move already," I said, closing the door behind me with a sense of urgency. "Jack told me their location. It's not far from here—about a 15-minute drive."

"Rose?" Ressi's voice broke with fear, her eyes wide with concern. "Where is she?"

"I think they're already infiltrating the warehouse at this moment," I replied, my fists clenching in frustration and worry. The thought of Rose in danger made my heart race.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," Gerald said, his voice full of urgency and determination.

"No, we can't rush in blindly," Seth interjected, his rational tone cutting through the tension in the room. "Rose and the others can hold up for a few minutes. We need to prepare for the worst before we get there."

Seth's words brought a strange sense of calm over me. He was right. I had to trust that Rose and Jack could manage for a little longer. Rushing in without a plan could make things worse.

"You're right," I said, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "We need to be smart about this. Jack is with them, and if things get worse, he knows that safety comes first."

"Okay, then let's arrange some men," Gerald said, already pulling out his phone to make the necessary calls.

"But first, Ressi and Alexandra, I don't want you two to come," I said, my voice firm but gentle as I looked at both of them.

"No, I want to come," Ressi insisted, her eyes blazing with determination.

"No, Ressi, Cronus is right," Gerald interjected, his tone softening as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "The first thing we need to do when we get there is get Rose out of that situation, and having you two there could complicate things."

Ressi's face fell, but she understood. Her lips trembled as she spoke, "I just want to help..."

"And you will," I assured her, my voice steady. "But we need you to stay here and coordinate with us. We need someone we trust on the outside."

Alexandra nodded, her expression resolute. "We'll be ready to assist from here. Just make sure you get her out safely."

"I promise," I said, my voice full of conviction. "Can you also prepare some medics, just in case?" I ordered them, turning to face Ressi and Alexandra.

"Of course," Alexandra replied, already making notes. "We'll have everything ready."

As Gerald continued to make arrangements, Seth pulled me aside. "We need to stay focused. Rose is strong, but she needs us to be at our best right now."

"I know," I said, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on my shoulders. "We'll get her out of there. We have to."

We all moved with a sense of purpose, the room buzzing with activity. Despite the fear and uncertainty, a shared resolve bound us together. Ressi and Alexandra were busy coordinating medical support and logistics, their faces set in determined focus.

Before we headed out, I took one last look at Ressi and Alexandra. "Stay safe, and keep in constant communication. We'll need your guidance."

"We will," Alexandra promised, her eyes locking with mine. "Bring her back."

With a final nod, Gerald, Seth, and I left the office, the weight of our mission heavy on our shoulders. The drive to the warehouse felt both interminable and all too brief, our minds racing with plans and contingencies.

As we neared our destination, the gravity of what lay ahead settled over us. "Remember," Seth said, breaking the silence, "we go in smart and we come out together."

"Together," I echoed, my resolve hardening. The thought of Rose gave me the strength I needed. We would face whatever awaited us and bring her back safely. No one gets left behind.

But above else I wanted to catch Themis and end everything right now.

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