Episode 44: A smile that means we're fucked.

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Fire Rose Hillson

I woke up the next day with Cronus nowhere to be found. The sunlight streamed through the blinds, casting soft shadows across the room. As I stretched and got out of bed, I noticed the apartment was eerily silent. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Cronus. He had gone out early to prepare for the exhibit today. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—tonight was the night of the heist, and tonight we would stop Catrina and Themis. A mix of anxiety and determination swirled within me as I tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.

Just then, the door creaked open, snapping me out of my thoughts. Ressi walked in, her expression curious. "What's the problem, Rose? You look troubled."

I quickly composed myself, not wanting to worry her. "Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking about tonight."

Ressi's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but she let it slide. "Where did you sleep last night?" I asked trying to change the topic.

A shy smile tugged at her lips. "I crashed at Gerald's house."

I acted surprised and teased her, "Oh really? Did you manage to keep your hands to yourself, or should I be worried about grandkids?"

Ressi's face turned a delightful shade of pink as she blushed, swatting me playfully on the arm. "Stop it, Rose! It wasn't like that. We just watched a movie and talked, that's all."

I chuckled, enjoying the rare opportunity to see Ressi flustered. "Sure, sure. Just a movie and talk, huh? I'll bet Gerald enjoyed that."

Ressi rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. "He's a gentleman, you know."

"I know, I know," I said, holding up my hands in mock surrender. "I'm just happy you had a good time."

The day flew by without me even realizing it. Ressi and I were both preparing to go to the exhibit. Ressi wanted me to dress up like we always did for these events, but I knew dressing too fancy might hinder my actions tonight. I opted for a more practical outfit with high heels—just a few extra inches wouldn't be a big deal.

The ride to the museum was filled with a sense of nostalgia. The city lights blurred past us, casting a shimmering glow over the streets. Ressi and I sat in comfortable silence for a while, each of us lost in our thoughts. Eventually, she turned to me, her voice soft and filled with emotion.

"Lover?" I glanced at her, noticing how she was staring out the window, her gaze distant and contemplative. "I know you'll go all out for everything—your life, your career, and the people you care about and love. But will you promise me to prioritize yourself first from time to time?" her eyes searching mine, pleading for understanding

I knew what she meant. She was warning me not to put myself in danger. I squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I promise, I won't do anything reckless."

When we arrived at the museum, Nicholas was already inside, hidden in the shadows, monitoring Catrina's every move. He kept a vigilant eye on her while updating me through a secure earpiece. It was the middle of the exhibit, the perfect time to put an action to their plan—when the crowd was most distracted by the centerpiece display.

"She's in," Nicholas whispered in my ear.

I discreetly positioned myself behind a large statue near the entrance to the east wing, ensuring I had a clear line of sight to Catrina without her being able to see me. The statue provided ample cover, and I could watch her every move while blending in with the crowd of visitors.

Catrina moved with calculated precision, her steps confident as she navigated the less trafficked corridors of the museum. She was joined by a group of men disguised as museum staff, hired specifically for this heist. These men had been working at the museum for weeks, blending in and learning the layout, making their presence seem ordinary.

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