Episode 29: Seeing him so tormented hurt even more

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Fire Rose Hillson

It had been days since our meeting with the Camiraz family, and while the rumors had started to fade, the stress on Cronus seemed to multiply. Mrs. Maria Camiraz had been kind enough to keep me updated, reassuring me that they were handling the situation with Nicholas and his mother. Nicholas's father had begun to take favorably to the Camiraz family's involvement, which hopefully meant they were safe for now.

Cronus and I, however, barely had any time for each other. His work was overwhelming, and my brief visits to his office were marked by his constant busyness—meetings, document signings, phone calls, and the never-ending stream of CEO duties. I could see the toll it was taking on him, and it worried me. He barely had proper meals and looked more exhausted each day.

Today, I decided to do something about it. Ressi and I were at this charming new coffee shop called "Java Junction." It had a cozy, rustic vibe with mismatched chairs, wooden tables, and the scent of fresh coffee beans wafting through the air. The walls were adorned with local artwork, and a chalkboard menu displayed their eclectic mix of beverages and snacks.

"This place is amazing!" Ressi exclaimed, taking in the ambiance. "It's like a little piece of heaven."

"I know, right? I'm so glad we found it before you head back to L.A.," I replied, smiling at my best friend. "I'm really going to miss our coffee dates."

"I'll miss them too, Rose. But hey, you've got Cronus to keep you company," she teased, winking.

"Yeah, if he ever has time," I said with a sigh. "He's been so busy lately. I'm worried about him."

Ressi reached across the table, squeezing my hand. "You two are strong. Just hang in there. And make sure he takes care of himself."

We spent the next thirty minutes talking about everything under the sun—our relationships, career goals, and future plans. Ressi was excited about her studies in L.A., and I was thrilled for her, but a part of me was also sad to see her go.

"I'm going to buy Cronus a snack and some coffee before we leave," I said as we stood up to leave. "He hasn't been eating properly."

"Good idea. He's lucky to have you," Ressi replied, giving me a quick hug.

At the counter, I ordered a cappuccino and a selection of pastries. The cashier, a cheerful young woman with pink hair, smiled as she took my order. "Your boyfriend's a lucky guy," she said, handing me the receipt.

"Thanks. I hope he thinks that way," I joked with a smile.

With the takeout in hand, Ressi and I made our way to Cronus's office. Jack, greeted us as soon as we arrived. "Hi, Jack. How's he doing today?" I asked though I could already guess the answer.

Jack shook his head slightly. "It's been a rough day. He's under a lot of stress, and his mood's not the best."

"Has he eaten anything?" I asked, concern etching into my voice.

Jack sighed. "Not that I've seen."

I nodded, determined. "Thanks, Jack. I'll see if I can get him to take a break."

Ressi gave me a knowing look. "I'll wait out here, Rose. It sounds like he needs some alone time with you."

"Thanks, Ressi," I said, appreciating her understanding.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to Cronus's office. He was standing by the window, his back to me, talking angrily in Italian on his phone. His usual composed demeanor was gone, replaced by a tense, frustrated posture.

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