Episode 36: It's been a while how's Dubai?

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Fire Rose Hillson

"Hello, Rose?"

"Speak, you got one minute, I'm still driving."

"All right, are you always this grumpy in the morning? Geez. Anyway, did you check the email I sent? I sent you a bunch of mood boards I want to incorporate into the product theme. Let me know what you think of it."

"OK I'll email you back, I'm hanging up now. Bye"

I tossed the phone onto the passenger seat of my new BMW E30 and floored it. This bad boy is about to experience NYC for the first time, and every sound it makes keeps my spirits high as I race down the highway on this crisp, beautiful morning. I'm heading to a café near Seth's university; we planned on hanging out today, and the timing was perfect. My new car had just arrived. The past few months have been a whirlwind of changes, and the sleek leather seat beneath me and the hum of the engine are constant reminders of just how much my life has shifted.

Who would have thought I'd be here, building my own marketing and branding agency, with Nicholas as my first client? It's funny how life works out. And Nicholas, surprisingly he changed, launching a new clothing line that's taking off. Not that it's any shock for me—Nicholas has always been good-looking. He's got that charm that makes people, especially women, gravitate toward him. That's why as soon as he posted something online people followed. It's what they call pretty privileged I guess.

Pulling up to the café, I spot Seth waving at me from a table near the window. My heart lightens a bit at the sight of him. It feels like it's been ages since we last caught up, even though it's only been three weeks. As I step out of the car, Seth walks over, pulling me into a tight embrace. "Wow, it's been a while how's Dubai?" he says with that infectious grin of his.

"What the fuck are you saying" I reply, shaking my head.

"Oh, come on. It's been only 3 weeks and your humor drops below zero, my friend." He said dramatically.

"I honestly do not know what you're saying Seth, can you please speak like a normal person for once."

He rolls his eyes and we settle into our seats and order our coffees. I pull out my laptop and start checking my emails.

"It's amazing how time changes you, Rose. You just got here and the first thing you do is work?" he leans towards me and attempts to shut off my laptop.

"I didn't change that much I would still love to break your fingers if you touch my laptop, leave me alone for a minute please." I sigh.

"Well, at least you said please." He leans back and crosses his arms. "I never thought I'd see you settle down on your career and finally build a business of your own, seeing you like this makes me feel like I also need to get my life straight."

"Yeah, and your humor too." I said still replying to emails. "You talk too much now, I think Gerald is rubbing off on you."

"Speaking of him, he called to say he can't make it. Ressi's been acting like a spoiled brat, and he needs to deal with her." He scrolled through his phone and I finally closed my laptop, having finished the email I needed to send—I hate leaving unfinished work while I'm out. While Seth scrolls through his phone. He looks up, noticing my new car.

"First you made me feel left behind now, you made me feel poor," he says with a mock dramatic flair.

I roll my eyes "Please stop with your whining already."

"Where did you get that? It's a very rare car."

I nodded in agreement. "My father found it for me."

Seth raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "It's only been four months since your dad got here, and you two seem so close now."

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