Episode 42: You both know her-she's-

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Cronus Romano

Rose left a while ago, but I can't shake the feeling that she's hiding something from us. I know her better than anyone else, and something's definitely bugging her—or someone. My gut tells me it has something to do with Catrina. She always has a way of stirring up trouble, and Rose's recent mood feels like her handiwork.

I watch her chat animatedly with Alexandra and Ressi, her laughter ringing out, but there's an undercurrent of unease. It's subtle, but it's there—a stiffness in her shoulders, a fleeting shadow across her eyes. What is it about Catrina that gets under Rose's skin so much? The way Rose's smile fades just a fraction when she sees Catrina, the way she clutches her fist when Catrina speaks... it's like she's holding something back, something she's not ready to share. I need to find out what's going on before it gets worse.

I grab Gerald and Seth by their arms and drag them to the back corner of the room, my grip tight with urgency. "I need to talk to the two of you in a different room," I say, my voice low but insistent. They exchanged confused glances, but I cut off their questions with a stern, "Now."

Seth nudges Gerald, who immediately understands the gravity of the situation and springs into action. With a nonchalant smile, Gerald strolls over to the girls. "Hey, are you guys hungry? We were thinking of grabbing some food," he says smoothly, his casual demeanor betraying none of the tension crackling in the air.

The girls tell him what they want without suspicion, and I have to admit, Gerald is quite the actor. Not a bead of sweat forms on his brow as he engages them in light banter. As soon as he and Seth head out, I follow suit, excusing myself with the pretense of an important phone call.

The second we're out of earshot, I turn to them, my voice a harsh whisper. "Something's off, and I need your help to figure out what it is." We entered to an empty conference room across the hallway, and I began to tell them my suspicion.

"Don't you think Rose was jealous?" Gerald asks, his brow furrowed in thought.

"If she was jealous, we would know," Seth replies, shaking his head. "She doesn't hide her feelings well."

"Seth's right," I interject, crossing my arms. "If Rose was jealous, she wouldn't hold back, and I wouldn't be alive now. You both know her—she's—"

"—a fire-breathing dragon," Gerald said casually.

"A walking volcano," Seth added.

"Fierce and direct. That's the right word," I said, while Gerald struggled to hold in his laughter. Rose had a reputation for being formidable, and these nicknames, while exaggerated, weren't far from the truth. Her fiery temper was well-known, and I knew she wouldn't hold back her feelings if something were truly bothering her.

"Anyway, didn't you guys notice?" I asked, scanning their faces for any signs of recognition. Both of them shook their heads in unison, looking genuinely puzzled. Despite their reassurances, my gut told me something was off.

"I'm pretty sure there must be something," I muttered, more to myself than to them. I needed to make sure everything was really fine with her. If there was even a hint of trouble, I had to know.

"I have a plan," I declared, straightening up. Both Gerald and Seth leaned in, their expressions turning serious. "Gerald, can you put someone on Catrina? I want her tailed everywhere she goes."

"That would be easy," Gerald said, nodding. His network of contacts was extensive, and I knew he could get someone on the job without raising any suspicions.

"And Seth," I continued, turning to him, "I want you to find out what's going on with Rose."

"Well, that's not easy," Seth answered, scratching his head. Although Seth and Rose are very close; prying into her personal life was no simple task. But Rose always had a soft spot for him, if there was anyone Rose trusted it was him.

"I know it's not," I conceded. "But you're the best chance we've got. Just see if you can get her to talk, subtly. We need to know if there's something we're missing."

Seth sighed but nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best," he promised. "But you owe me for this."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Add it to the tab," I said. We had a long history of favors and debts, and this was just another one to add to the list.

"Now go buy the food."

The two of them left, leaving me alone with my thoughts, pondering how to expedite this investigation. Despite racking my brain, I still hadn't come up with any ideas on how to locate Themis. We had tried everything, but he was either incredibly skilled at hiding or we just weren't capable enough to track him down. Frustrated, I left the conference room and returned to my office.

I was about to open the door to my office when Catrina suddenly pulled it open from the other side. She was on her phone, deep in conversation. She glanced at me briefly, signaling that she would step out to take the call. I nodded, watching as she walked away. Just as she was stepping out of earshot, I heard her say, "Hello, Mr. Tan." That name struck a chord. It sounded so familiar, and I was certain I had heard it somewhere in the office before.

So I ask my sister "Alex?" I called, catching her attention. She looked up, her eyes questioning.

"Do you know anyone here with the last name Tan, or anyone whose name includes Tan?" I asked, trying to keep my voice casual, though the urgency was palpable.

Alex furrowed her brow, thinking hard. "Tan? Let me think. There are so many names and faces, it's hard to keep track sometimes. Why do you ask?"

"I just overheard Catrina mentioning someone named Mr. Tan on the phone. It sounded familiar, like I've heard it around here before," I explained, hoping she might have a lead.

"Hmm," Alex mused, tapping her pen against her desk. "Oh I know It was one of the guards."

A spark of recognition lit up my mind. "Right, his the head of the security here. That must be it. Is he on duty today?"

Alex shrugged. "I'm not sure, but we can let Jack check. Why the sudden interest?"

"Just a hunch," I said, trying to downplay my concern. "Thanks, Alex. Please tell Jack to directly report to me."

As Alex nodded and turned back to her work, I couldn't shake the feeling that this Mr. Tan was more significant than he seemed. I needed to get to the bottom of this, and fast. What could it mean that she was trying to contact the head of our security?

"Come to think of it," Alex said, suddenly looking up from her desk again. "I think Catrina mentioned she was considering hiring Mr. Tan for another job after our current contract ends."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. The pieces of the puzzle started to come together, and a sense of urgency gripped me. If Catrina was planning to keep Mr. Tan on board, it meant she trusted him deeply—or perhaps, he was part of something more significant than we realized.

"Hiring him for another job?" I repeated, trying to mask my growing anxiety. "Did she say what kind of job?"

Alex shook her head. "No, she didn't give specifics."

If Mr. Tan was going to have a bigger part in our operations, it could mean he had access to sensitive information—information that could be valuable to someone with ulterior motives. I couldn't help but think about Catrina's recent behavior, her constant presence, and her seemingly innocent inquiries about our business.

Now, I'm convince something's up with Catrina.

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