Episode 39: Wow, she played me like a fiddle

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Cronus Romano

Have you ever found yourself debating whether to do something or not?

I just did. A moment ago, I was on the phone with my ever-so-gullible cousin, Gerald. I wanted to talk to him about Themis, but instead, he told me to come to this address. I knew it was Rose's new building for her agency and I knew I shouldn't be here, but somehow, I ended up coming anyway.

I watched them from the car, engine still running, as Seth, Gerald, and Ressi moved things inside the building. The building wasn't grand; it was a modest two-story structure with a sleek modern facade, large windows framed in black steel, and a cheerful yellow door that added a splash of color. The exterior was a blend of glass and concrete, giving it a contemporary yet welcoming look.

The emotional hangover from last night's encounter with Rose still lingered, I didn't want to trouble her again, this may feel like running but yes, I'm a coward especially when facing her. I don't know where to even begin my apology.

I was about to roll my windows up when Gerald glanced my way and immediately called me. His voice echoed, drawing unnecessary attention, and waved at me enthusiastically, making me cringe. Subtlety was never his strong suit. There's no backing out now.

I step out of the car and walk towards them. I'm greeted with an unexpected welcome hug from Seth and Ressi. "We heard you were at the party last night!" Seth teases, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Alexandra told us," he adds before I can ask.

Ressi, looking genuinely surprised, blurts out, "Really? I was so drunk, I don't remember a thing."

Gerald, always the joker, pinches her nose playfully. "You were dead to the world, Ressi."

"Oh," she responds, her voice childlike in its simplicity, and we all burst into laughter. Despite the tension simmering in my chest, I find myself enjoying the moment, I didn't realize I had missed this life so much.

A voice from inside calls out, "Hey, what's going on out there?" It's Rose, unaware of my presence. She steps out, her expression shifting from curiosity to surprise as she spots me. Her eyes widen, and for a moment, we just stare at each other.

Gerald, ever the clueless one, shouts, "Rose! Look—'' Before he could continue Ressi elbowed him, making them realize it was their cue to leave. They immediately grab the boxes and mumble excuses about unpacking upstairs. Ressi gives me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before they all disappear, leaving Rose and me alone.

Now that we're both alone, my hands are sweaty, and my stomach feels like it's hosting an Olympic gymnastics competition. Rose always does this to me—turning my nerves into a chaotic mess. But now that I'm here, I have to push through it; I must talk to her.

"I need to talk to you," I say, my voice steady but my heart racing.

Rose's eyes flicker with a mix of emotions—anger, hurt, and something else I can't quite identify. She avoided my gaze, busying herself with a box like it was suddenly the most interesting thing in the universe. She didn't say a single word not even a sigh, I'm not used to this kind of treatment but I know I deserve this.

"Please, Rose," I plead, stepping closer. "Just hear me out."

She sighs heavily, finally looking at me. "Fine. Let go of my arm, and we'll talk."

I hadn't realized I'd grabbed her arm in my desperation. Reluctantly, I let go, my hand tingling from the contact.

"Look," she said, gesturing towards my back. Naturally, being the idiot I am, I turned around.

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