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Cronus Romano

The museum's grand opening was alive with energy, guests mingling, and the exhibits shining bright. But beneath it all, a heavy unease weighed on me, like a storm brewing on the horizon. I couldn't keep my eyes off Rose, scanning the crowd to make sure she was okay. Nicholas was here too, and his presence was like a thorn under my skin, always keeping me on edge.

"Looks like the host of the party ain't feeling the vibe." Seth said, strolling up to me with a glass of champagne in hand. His easygoing demeanor contrasted sharply with the tension I felt. I nodded slightly, my gaze never leaving Nicholas. "Nicholas is here. He somehow wriggled his way in, just like at the Coney Island party. Apparently, an old family friend brought him along."

Seth's eyes narrowed as he followed my line of sight. "That fucker sure knows how to be where he's not wanted. Does Rose know his here?"

"Yeah, I told her" I replied, keeping my voice low. "that damn Nicholas, he just acted like he didn't even know me. Gerald thinks he's smart but I say that's bullshit."

Seth chuckled, shaking his head. "Gerald's right about that. Anyway, you should admit he got guts if not brains."

Just then, Gerald appeared out of nowhere, a slight smirk on his face. "Are you guys talking about me?"

"The timing is uncanny my friend." Seth said teasing Gerald

"Whatever dude, anyway I need to find Ressi. You two behave yourselves." With a playful wink, he excused himself.

As Gerald walked away, Seth turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "Did I hear right? Gerald had a thing for Alexandra?"

I laughed, nodding. "Yeah, it was just a small crush. He's totally over it now."

Seth relaxed, but his eyes held a serious gleam. "You know, Alexandra and I... We've been getting along really well. I find her attractive, and I admire her character. She's strong, intelligent, and fiercely independent. Not like Rose though—that freak is like a hellfire, you know what I mean." I chuckled at his statement; he was definitely right.

His words hung in the air for a moment, the levity of his comment giving way to the gravity of the situation.

I placed a hand on Seth's shoulder, my tone sincere. "I love my sister, Seth. I love her and I want her to be with someone who will treat her right, and I trust you to do that. I don't want to see her hurt."

Seth nodded, his expression softening. "Rose is like a little sister to me, too. She's been through a lot since her dad left. She's faced her problems head-on with no one to lean on, always standing strong. I've seen her grow into this amazing, resilient woman, and she deserves the best. Don't disappoint her man."

I straightened, meeting his gaze head-on. "I won't. Rose means everything to me." I pause, realizing the meaning of those words that came out in my own mouth.

Since when did it happen? Was it when she was cursing at me for giving her chocolates? Or when she demanded I pay more attention to her? Was it how she laughed when Gerald lost their bet? Maybe it was when she said she would give me a chance. Maybe it was when she tried to swim in the cold sea. Or perhaps it was when her eyes sparkled that night as she said she liked me back. Or maybe it was when we kissed so passionately, feeling each other's touch and warmth. 

I don't know.

I can't put into words exactly how my feelings transitioned from liking her to loving her, from simply wanting her to needing her. It was as if my heart had made the decision without my mind even realizing it. Each memory, every shared moment, had deepened my feelings for her, creating a bond I couldn't sever even if I wanted to. Rose had become an integral part of me, a constant presence in my thoughts and dreams.

"Alright, I believe you. Just remember, actions speak louder than words." Seth's words snapped me out of my thoughts. "Now, let's keep an eye out for Nicholas. He might try something fishy tonight." I nodded while sipping my champagne. 

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of heels clicking on the floor. I turned to see Catrina walking towards us, a smile plastered on her face.

"There you are, Cronus! I've been looking everywhere for you," she announced, her eyes flicking between Seth and me. "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Uh, Seth, this is Catrina," I started, but she cut me off, her voice dripping with sweetness.

"I'm Cronus' ex," she said, with an air of familiarity that made me cringe.Seth raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying her act. "Nice to meet you, Catrina," he said, his tone polite but distant. There was a brief, awkward silence, and I could see Seth's mind working, trying to place her.

After a moment, Seth's expression shifted. "Wait a minute," he said slowly, a frown creasing his forehead. "Weren't you with some guy earlier?" He paused, searching his memory. "Yeah, I think I saw you right around the time of the ribbon-cutting. You were with someone, weren't you?" His tone was now filled with suspicion, each word carefully measured.

Catrina's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly composed herself, her smile unwavering. "Oh no, you must be mistaken. I arrived later than that," she excused herself, her voice a bit too quick, a bit too high. "I had some errands to run before coming here. You know how traffic can be at this time of day. I didn't want to miss the event, but I was running behind schedule. By the time I got here, the ribbon-cutting was already over." She let out a small laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

I was convinced by her excuse. Catrina was born in Italy, and while I didn't know her exact address, I knew she moved to the U.S. after finishing college. Themis said he knew where she lived and invited her, and so I didn't mind.

"Maybe I was mistaken," Seth said, though his tone suggested otherwise. He glanced at me, a silent warning in his eyes as if to say, 'Watch out for this one.'

I found it odd but decided to shrug it off. There were more important things to focus on, like Rose. Catrina continued to smile at me, clearly enjoying the attention. I forced a polite smile in return, but my mind was elsewhere.

"So, Catrina, what brings you here?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from uncomfortable territory.

"I just wanted to see you," she said, her smile widening.Seth cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Catrina, but I need to check on something," he said, excusing himself.

As Seth walked away, Catrina moved closer to me. "Cronus, we should catch up. Maybe over dinner?" she suggested, her voice dropping to a sultry tone.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said firmly. "I'm with someone now."

Her smile faltered for a moment before she quickly recovered. "Oh, of course. I'm not suggesting anything Cronus just a casual catch-up with an old friend I also wanna discuss business with you," she said, her tone now laced with disappointment.

"Oh, I'm sorry, for the misunderstanding Cat" I said, hoping to end the conversation. " I will be in touch with you let's set a meeting."

She nodded, "Alright then, I'll be with your brothers." As she walked away, I felt a sense of relief. I turned my attention back to finding Rose. and She looked like.. 

I did something wrong.

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