Episode 31: Thank God for pink, I guess

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Cronus Romano

The stacks of documents on my desk seemed to multiply every time I blinked. My office, a sanctuary once filled with pride and triumph, now felt like a war room. Each paper was a potential landmine, ready to blow up everything I had worked for. My phone buzzed non-stop—an incessant reminder of the growing chaos. Stakeholders wanted answers, board members demanded explanations, and legal advisors pushed for clarity. But how could I give them what I didn't have?

I picked up another document, my eyes scanning the damning details of an offshore account allegedly linked to my name. It was all lies, but the evidence was chillingly precise. My mind whirled, trying to pinpoint who could be behind this malicious attack. The questions were endless, and the answers elusive.

My phone rang again, and I saw 'Dad' on the screen. I hesitated, then answered.

"Cronus, any updates?" My father's voice was uncharacteristically gentle, laden with concern.

"I'm working on it, Dad. But it's a mess. The evidence didn't make sense to me," I replied, striving to keep the frustration out of my voice.

"I know you didn't do this, son. But with the company's future at stake, I can't get directly involved," he said, regret thick in his voice.

"I understand, Dad. I'll handle it," I assured him, even though the weight of the task felt almost unbearable.

Just as I ended the call, the office door swung open. My sister, Alexandra, walked in, her face etched with worry.

"Cronus, they've called for an emergency meeting. The board wants to address the leadership crisis," she said, closing the door behind her.

I nodded, rubbing my temples. "I figured as much. Thanks for the heads up, Alex."

"We'll get through this," she said, her voice firm and reassuring.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the confrontation ahead. Straightening my tie, I walked towards the conference room, Alexandra by my side.

The large, ornately decorated conference room was already filled with board members when we arrived. The tension was palpable, an electric charge in the air. Faces around the grand table were a mix of concern, sternness, and curiosity. Alexandra gave me a supportive nod as I took my place at the head of the table.

Dad, cleared his throat, commanding silence. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We are here to address the serious allegations against Vice President Cronus Romano. The evidence, as you all have seen, is quite damning."

I stood up, my heart pounding but my expression calm. "Ladies and gentlemen, I understand the gravity of the situation. But I am here to tell you that I am innocent. The evidence against me has been fabricated."

One board member raised an eyebrow. "Fabricated? Can you prove this, Mr. Romano?"

I nodded, holding up a stack of papers. "I have been investigating these allegations myself. There are inconsistencies in the documents that point to them being forged. For instance, the signatures on these documents are not mine, and the timestamps on the transactions do not match any of my known activities."

Murmurs spread through the room as the board members examined the documents I had handed out. Dad, sat at the head of the table, his expression unyielding despite the tension in the room. "These are serious accusations, Cronus. Do you have any idea who might be behind this?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could speak, the door to the conference room swung open. All heads turned to see Cris, my cousin, and a forensic accountant, striding in with a commanding presence. His unexpected arrival sent a ripple of shock and curiosity through the room.

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