Episode 49

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Cronus's reaction was priceless, almost comical, when I told him I wanted to see the man who shattered my ankle and left bruises on my face. Did he honestly think I'd cower like some scared little girl? Did he think I'd weep and hide just because I was hurt? Hell no. I might have failed to make them pay for what they did to him before, but this isn't over. Not by a long shot. I'm just getting started.

I'll make sure they regret every second. I'll drive my point into their thick skulls and wipe that smug grin off Themis's face—the same one he had the last time I saw him. This time, he won't see it coming.

Cronus was fussing like a mother hen. He didn't say a word when he left for work, but I knew he was worried. Not that it mattered—I was going, whether he liked it or not. He probably vented to Gerald or Seth, and I'm sure they'll nag me later. But as long as he doesn't tell Ressi, I'll survive.

Today, I decided to feel good, to boost my mood by dressing up. The reflection in the mirror made me smile—a reminder of who I am. The deep burgundy leather of my jacket contrasted sharply with the creamy silk of my blouse, the top button left provocatively undone. I paired it with a matching miniskirt and black kitten heels. The gold necklaces around my neck, their pendants resting perfectly against my skin, added just the right touch. I felt alive.

Walking down the pathway to my office, each step felt like reclaiming a piece of myself. The cool morning air kissed my skin, the rhythmic tap of my heels on the pavement was like a heartbeat, and the admiring glances from passersby fed my sense of vitality. I missed this—missed feeling like myself, missed the power that comes from simply being. The longing was so intense, I felt like I could conquer all the work piled up on my desk in no time.

The familiar scent of coffee and paper greeted me as I stepped into the office. My employees, my little makeshift family, began to gather around, their eyes filled with relief and concern. The warmth in their gazes made me feel something I wasn't used to—guilt. But that didn't last long.

I had missed a lot during my recovery—missed making money. Seeing the piles of proposals waiting for my signature made my heart swell with satisfaction and my pockets hum with anticipation. I was so absorbed in my work that I lost track of time. The world outside ceased to exist.

"Ma'am, Sir Romano is already downstairs," Becky, my assistant, said as she walked into my office. I was touching up my lipstick, making sure everything was perfect.

I headed downstairs to see Cronus leaning against his car, phone in hand. When he looked up and saw me, he smiled and opened the door for me.

"I thought you were mad?" I teased, placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I am, but I don't have a choice," he replied, his voice laced with resignation as I slid into the passenger seat.

I was calm, even excited, but Cronus couldn't stop tapping his fingers on the steering wheel at every stop sign. Why was he worried when I was the one in control?

"Please, don't do anything reckless," he said, his voice tense. I snapped my head toward him, my eyes narrowing.

"I'll be on my best behavior," I promised, though we both knew that was unlikely.

We arrived at a building—surprisingly ordinary, not the kind of place you'd expect for this sort of thing. No old, abandoned warehouse, no sketchy, derelict structure. Just a building. Typical Cronus—too soft, too kind for his own good. Inside, the hallways were a maze, rooms lined up like cells, the air stale and suffocating. No windows. No escape.

"What is this place?" I asked as we stopped at the last room at the end of the hallway.

"An old mental facility," he said, and I couldn't help but smirk. I take it back—an abandoned warehouse would have been a mercy.

"Behind this door is Catrina." He paused, his hand hovering over the doorknob. "I'll go to Themis's room first, and you'll go here," he pointed to the room across the hall. I just nodded.

"If anything happens, don't hesitate to run. There are guards around, so you'll be safe." He kissed my forehead before heading to Themis's room. I watched him go, then grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, stepping into the room.

It was empty, just white walls and a food tray on the floor. Catrina was crouched on the floor, her white dress hanging off her frail frame. She didn't even look up. It's been a week, and she was already in a terrible state, her weight plummeting to the point of being unrecognizable.

"I guess you suit this place," I remarked, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Her head snapped up, eyes widening with anger. She stood and charged at me, only to be stopped midway. A chain around her ankle kept her tethered.

"You bitch! This was all your fault!" she screamed, her voice raw with fury as she bit her lip and clenched her fists.

"You think so?" I crossed my arms, my gaze cold. "Tell me, Catrina, when did this become my fault?"

"If you hadn't messed up our plan, Themis would've gotten back at Cronus for what he did!" she ranted, her words wild, desperate. She's losing it—probably went even crazier in this place.

"Cronus took everything from Themis—the company, his father, his siblings. Themis worked so hard to prove himself, but Cronus just took it all." Every word she spat out made my blood boil.

"Of course, everyone sides with Cronus—maybe because they pity him for not having a mother, or maybe they're blinded by his so-called success. But Themis could have done everything Cronus did if he was given a chance."

"Are you done?" I cut her off, my tone sharp.


"I said, are you done?" I took a step toward her, and she flinched, stepping back. I slapped her hard across the face, sending her crashing to the ground. "God, that felt amazing," I whispered, the satisfaction coursing through me like a drug. She stared up at me, shaken to her core. I squatted down to her level, yanking her hair back, and she whimpered in pain.

"Try not to fight back, or Cronus might lose it and bury you alive," I said calmly, my voice devoid of any emotion. "What did you say again? That Cronus took everything? The company he bled for, the father who treated him like a dog, the siblings who nearly killed the love of his life? What exactly did he take, Catrina? Tell me, because you seem to know a lot." She stayed silent, and I tightened my grip on her hair.

"Do you know why Cronus has everything Themis can't have?" I paused, letting the question hang in the air as I stared into her frightened eyes. "Because Themis is the bad guy, and bad guys don't deserve pretty things. That's why he has you."

I let go of her hair and stood up, walking away without a second glance. When I stepped out of the room, Cronus was already there, waiting for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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