Episode 35: Willingness to forgive?

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Cronus Romano

Seeing the massive white fountain in the center of the garden reminded me of my childhood. Alexandra and I used to play hide and seek in the maze of plants around it. But now, it felt different. The water in the fountain glistened under the sunlight, surrounded by blooming red roses. It was beautiful, but it felt so empty. In fact, the entire house no longer felt like home to me. It had been ages since I last returned, and it made me realize that I had outgrown so many things in life.

I came back home because my stepmom wanted to meet me for lunch and I didn't want her to get through all the hassle of going out considering she just got back from the hospital. I wonder how this lunch is going to be. I don't even know if mom knew about Themis and the whole problem we had, I'm sure she'll be pretty upset, I also don't blame her if she ever gets mad at me for what happened, I hope she will, that way my conscience will ease a little bit.

"Are you thinking of big brother Themiy?" Phoebe popped out of nowhere, she twirled in her little Sunday dress and smiled so brightly. "Do you like my dress?"

I patted her head "I love it, especially because you're wearing it." She giggled.

"Where's your twin brother?"

"Still sleeping, he always wakes up late." She pouted.

"Let's wake him up before mom calls for lunch." I smiled and grabbed her hands and we walked to their bedroom.

"Raise and sunshine, you little machine gun," I said as soon as I stepped into the twin's room. Crius was sprawled in his bed sleeping like a contented lamb, phoebe stared at him hopelessly. I chuckle at these children's innocence.

I slowly woke Crius, he started to stir in his sleep, and as he opened his eyes, he instantly smiled brightly at the sight of me, jolted up, and hugged me.

An embrace I never knew I needed until I got one, I need to talk with the twins about Themis. I don't know if they could even understand all these complicated feelings and conflicts of adults. Still, I don't want to hide anything from them especially when the consequences of what happened also affected them, and I know how much they love Themis.

"You look sad" Phoebe cut off my thought, she saw through me, and I tried to smile.

"Phoebe, Themis can't be here because he has something to do." I lied, I don't know how to open this up to the twins.

"Why?" Crius pops out of the bathroom already dressed up for lunch.

"Are you stupid, of course, he can't be here," Phoebe said to his twin, "He did something wrong and Dad was mad at him."

"Did Dad tell you what happened?" I ask Phoebe and she nods.

"What about mom?"

"Oh, she was upset, she said she might have a heart attack." Phoebe crossed her arms.

"But she didn't, I was really disappointed. I was actually excited about going back to the hospital," Crius remarked casually. Phoebe, standing next to him, immediately smacked his arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he exclaimed, rubbing his arm.

"You idiot!" she retorted, rolling her eyes. I chuckled at the twin's silliness.

"Alright you two, let's get down for lunch."

As we descended the grand staircase, the familiar scent of blooming jasmine filled the air, evoking a bittersweet sense of nostalgia. The twins, Phoebe and Crius, skipped ahead, their laughter echoing through the halls. I forced a smile, trying to capture some of their innocence and joy.

The patio was set beautifully, as always. The wrought iron furniture, painted a soft white, contrasted beautifully with the lush greenery surrounding us. The table was covered with a pristine linen cloth, adorned with a vibrant arrangement of fresh flowers. Plates of colorful salads, freshly baked bread, and an assortment of cheeses and cold cuts were spread out, inviting us to sit and enjoy. Despite the enticing display, I felt a knot in my stomach. The last time I had eaten here, Themis was with us, and everything seemed simpler, happier.

As we approached the patio, my stepmom turned to us with a warm smile. It was a smile I used to adore, one that could light up any room. But now, it felt different, almost hollow. I wondered if she could see the turmoil behind my eyes. Themis's betrayal had left a wound in my heart that hadn't yet begun to heal. Trust was shattered, and I couldn't shake off the constant doubt that lingered. Was everything that happened between us real? Or had it all been a facade?

"Cronus, it's so good to see you," my stepmom said, pulling me into a tight embrace. Her frailty was evident, and I held her carefully, afraid she might break. As we pulled apart, she searched my face, her eyes filled with concern.

"I'm glad to see you too," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry about what happened with Themis."

She squeezed my hands, her grip surprisingly strong. "Cronus, was it really wrong for Themis to do what he did?" Her question pierced through me like a dagger. I had anticipated this conversation, dreaded it even, but hearing it spoken aloud made it all too real.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Themis has every right to demand his place in the company," I admitted, forcing a smile. The words tasted bitter on my tongue. My stepmom's eyes softened, and she pulled me into another hug.

"I understand," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "I know how much this hurts, but he's still your brother. We can't let this tear us apart."

"I'll bring Themis back to the company," I said, the decision weighing heavily on my heart. "It's the right thing to do."

"Thank you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for understanding."

We sat down for lunch, the twins already diving into the food with enthusiasm. I picked at my plate, unable to muster much of an appetite. The conversation was light, centered around Phoebe and Crius's antics and their plans for the summer. Yet, the underlying tension was palpable, a constant reminder of the elephant in the room.

As the meal went on, I found myself lost in thought. The betrayal I felt from Themis was profound, not just because of the company, but because he was my brother. We had shared so much, and now it felt like I didn't know him at all. The voice in the back of my mind kept whispering doubts, feeding my anger, frustration, and guilt. I wanted to believe that everything would be fine, that we could move past this, but the reality was far more complicated.

My stepmom's words echoed in my mind. 'Was it really wrong for Themis to do that?' It was a question I had asked myself countless times. Themis was ambitious, driven, and perhaps he felt overshadowed. But his actions had consequences, and those consequences had affected all of us. I needed to find a way to reconcile these conflicting emotions, to bridge the gap between my anger and my love for him.

Phoebe and Crius finished their meal and ran off to play, leaving me alone with my stepmom. She reached across the table, placing her hand over mine. "Cronus, I know this is hard for you. I can see how much you're hurting. But you're strong, and I believe you can find a way to bring our family back together."

Her faith in me was both comforting and overwhelming. I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I'll try," I promised, my voice cracking. "I'll do my best."

"That's all I can ask for," she said softly, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're in this together."

The fountain still shimmered under the fading sunlight, a testament to the beauty that still existed amidst the chaos. I thought about Themis, about our childhood, and the bond we once shared. It wasn't too late to rebuild, to find a way back to each other. But it would require effort, understanding, and a willingness to forgive. I closed my eyes, taking in the scent of roses and jasmine, letting it calm my racing thoughts.

Willingness to forgive? Funny how I actually said that.

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