Partying with the Dutchies

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Beth shivers as she feels lips grace her ear as Viv's soft slurry voice reaches her and turns her head as she feels her lean her full weight against her back. "Hey, drunky." She breathes chuckling. "You alright?" She asks after noticing the other Dutchies hit the bar of the hotel after they all returned back from the ceremony with the fans.

She chuckles as she just hums, smiling as Leah walks over with Theo on her hip and glances at Viv as Leah just smiles in amusement. "Don't fall asleep on me Vivianne."

"But you are so comfy," Viv grumbles trying to keep her voice low as she leans her head against Beth's shoulder blade. "And you smell good."


Beth watches on in amazement as Viv immediately straightens up with a broad grin and smiles as she watches her take Theo from Leah, Leah turns to her after Viv walked off with Theo to annoy Lieke and raises an eyebrow. "What was that?" She asks laughter clear in her voice.

"I have no idea." Beth laughs. "She is quite cuddly."

"Yeah with you and Theo." Leah teases. "All I got was a hug during the ceremony and only because she wanted to distract everyone from her blushing face while you excused yourself to change Theo's nappy." She adds laughing. "How many did she have?" She asks nodding her head to Viv taking a beer Jill holds out for her.

"She is well on her way to being tipsy." Beth chuckles as she watches Viv take a sip of her beer and Theo sip from his sippy filled with apple juice Viv gave a shake to make it a bit foamy.

"Beth, Le come dance!"

Beth chuckles as Lieke skips over with Jill, smiling as they both pull them to the dance floor and twirls around in Lieke's arms as music fills the room not noticing Danielle observing them from afar.

Vivianne looks between the dancing girls and the girls seating, noticing Danielle's glare and adjusts her hold on Theo comfortably sitting on her hip as she notices Daan stand up. She taps Theo's hip smiling as he tiredly looks up and winks. "Do you want to join your mummy and dance?"

"Cuddle," Theo mumbles tiredly wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"We can buddy." She breathes taking the sippy from him, she hangs it through one of her belt loops. She moves him up so he can use her shoulder as a pillow, making sure she has a strong hold around him and takes the last sip of her beer placing the bottle on the bar.

She walks over to the dance floor as she notices Danielle walking over to the girls and smiles slightly as she notices Lieke moving Beth between her, Jill and Leah. She slides up behind Beth placing her free hand on her hip and locks eyes with Danielle after making sure Theo is asleep.

"Spelen we bodyguard Viv? // Are we playing bodyguard Viv?" Danielle sneers.

"Nee maar ik heb genoeg gedronken om een beetje los te worden en te dansen met vrienden. // Nope but I drank enough to not give a damn and to be ready to dance with my friends." Viv replies dryly as she tugs Beth back against her feeling her tense as soon as Daan steps closer, she dips her head as she looks around and places her lips against Beth's ear. "He is right behind you." She whispers reasuringly knowing she is searching for Theo, she moves Theo against Beth's back so she can feel him and smiles against her warm skin as she feels her relax. "You and Le are both covering him."

"Back off Daan," Leah warns as Danielle takes another step closer, Viv looks up running her thumb up and down Beth's hip and locks eyes with Danielle.

"Wat wil je? // What do you want?"

"Quite new to me to see two people turning into damn Pitbulls." Danielle scoffs. "I just want to talk to my ex."

"But she doesn't want to talk to you." Leah sneers.

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