The talk & cuddles

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The next night

"Do you girls need anything?" Jill asks after helping Viv lay down in her bed. "Are you sure?" She asks as Viv shakes her head, Viv chuckles as Leah, Lia and Lieke also look at her and grimace as she slowly lays down.

"I will be fine girls and I have Beth here." She reassures them. "Stop pampering me."

"Stop making fun of us." Jill frowns. "You scared all of us, Vivianne."

Viv sighs as the others just frown, noticing Beth's sad smile too and sighs after helping Theo climb up on the bed. "You're right." She breathes as Theo cuddles into her, she runs her hand up his back as he grabs his favourite teddy knowing he won't be awake for long and locks eyes with Jill. "I'm sorry I know I scared all of you, but you heard the doc with a bit of rest the next few days I will recover completely."

"Still doesn't delete the pictures out of my head." Lieke mumbles.

Viv sighs as Jill hums in agreement and holds her hand out for them to take. "Ik weet dat het een kut situatie is geweest en dat jullie meer hebben gezien als alle anderen, maar ik voel me goed, bewegen doet pijn en ik kan niks alleen de komende paar dagen, maar ik heb jullie om me heel en ik weet dat ik roepen kan zodra ik wat nodig heb // I know it was a shitty situation and that you saw more than the others standing around me, but I feel fine, sure I will be hurting the next few days but I know I am not alone."

She locks eyes with Jill and sighs. "Ik moet prive met Beth praten over wat Theo mij noemde in het ziekenhuis, maar ik weet dat jij niet kan rusten zonder te zien of te horen dat t mij goed gaat. Geef mij twee uurtjes? Je kan hier op de bank slapen vanavond // I have to speak to Beth in private about what Theo called me in the hospital, but I know you can't calm down without seeing or hearing that I am fine. Can you give me two hours? You can sleep on the couch tonight."

She thanks her softly as she nods her head and turns to Lieke. "You and Jill have a meeting with Sar tonight after the girls had their meeting, please talk openly about it. Don't crop it up."

"I will," Lieke promises, she leans down to kiss her cheek and smiles slightly. "Never scare me like that again."

"I won't," Viv whispers, she drops her head as the girls leave the room after kissing their cheeks knowing Leah and Lia will take Sarina's offer for a talk too and groans as pain shoots through it.

"Don't move too fast," Beth whispers as she immediately cups the back of her neck, making sure they won't wake Theo up. "Jill will sleep here tonight?"

"Yeah, so.."

Beth shakes her head and cracks a grin. "Don't apologize, she is your best friend Vivi." She whispers. "And I can only imagine how she felt standing on the pitch and jumping to your aid, I already felt like shit after watching it happen but she had to flip a switch to make sure you are stabilized."

She grabs Viv's hand as she smiles sadly and squeezes it softly "Besides I think we will have four on the couch the next few days, I don't think Le, Lia and Lieke will leave this room for longer than necessary either."

"Yeah me neither," Viv mumbles through a slight grin, she wraps her free arm back around Theo the second he cuddles closer with a soft content hum and kisses his head as he relaxes against her shoulder.

She watches Beth lean over her to tuck him in with a loving grin, locking eyes with her as she slowly sits back and bites her lip as she notices the nerves reappear in her blue orbs. "I have no idea how to carefully approach this subject so I am just doing a me." She warns with a tiny grin. "So, mama?"

"I don't know if I should apologize or not," Beth mumbles her cheeks turning pink.

"That depends," Viv whispers, she bites her lip as Beth turns to her in confusion and shrugs. "Do you want to apologize because it makes you feel uncomfortable, or because you think it makes me uncomfortable?"

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