The Netherlands trip

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Vivianne laughs as she hears Theo's happy squeal and crouches down. "Hey, buddy." She greets him as he sprints into her arms, his arms tightly wrapped around her shoulders. She stands up with him in her arms as Beth walks over and smiles as she walks straight into her embrace. "Hey, you."

"Hiya Vivi," Beth murmurs after pecking her lips. "You okay?"

"Much better now." Viv breathes as she pulls back taking both suitcases from Beth in one hand, she smiles as Theo stays seated on her hip and kisses his head. "Ready for some typical Dutch things this weekend, T?" She walks through the airport as he excitedly nods his head, turning to Beth and smiles. "Lars and Kiki are a bit overly excited knowing you, Ben, Liv and T will join so prepare yourself for two energizer bunnies."

Beth just glances at Viv with an eyebrow raised, sliding her eyes over to her son and laughs. "Yeah, I got used to that the second you walked into my life, babe." She chuckles holding onto Viv's arm as she pushes her softly and looks around the car park as Viv pushes the button on the key in her hand.

"Wow, mummy." Theo gasps.

Beth just blinks as she eyes the shiny Audi A5 as Viv leads them over and turns to her. "Go big or go home huh?" She teases.

"It's my dad's." Viv laughs. "But mine whenever I am home." She adds with a grin as she retrieves the children's seat from the trunk after placing the suitcases in, she places it behind Beth's seat and scoops Theo up in her arms to place him in his seat. "Roof down or up T?"

"Down!" She grabs the cap with ear warmers and places it on his head.

"Leave this on okay? It's pretty cold when we drive." She takes off her leather jacket as he nods his head, adjusting her hoodie and tucks it around him smiling as he immediately hums. She glances over at Beth after she slid into the car and shakes her head walking to the trunk of the car to grab the hoodie she left there last night.

"Please were this babe." She breathes holding the hoodie out for Beth, she starts the car after making sure Theo is buckled in and reaches out turning the volume of the radio down as it immediately blasts through.

"Damn, party much?" Beth asks laughing, Viv just smirks as Theo giggles and pulls out of the parking after Beth puts her seatbelt on.

"Always in this car." She chuckles.

"Vivi, Taylor?"

"You want to hear Taylor?" Viv asks looking in the rearview mirror, she holds her phone out for Beth as he excitedly nods his head and smiles. "Go crazy, lieverd."

"Have you listened to the new album yet?" Beth asks after typing in Taylor's name. "Favourite song from that Album?" She breathes after Viv hummed.

"Lover, Daylight, Paper rings but I absolutely love Cornelia Street."

Beth taps the song tilting her head as she hears the soft instrumental filling the car and reaches forward to turn it louder, she intertwines her hand with Viv's on her thigh as she listens to the lyrics and lifts their intertwined hands up to her lips to kiss the back of Viv's hand with a grin.

She calmly runs her thumb over the back of Viv's hand. She notices her grin and covers her hand with both of her own as Viv navigates them back to her hometown. "What are your parents like, Vivi?"

"A bit like your parents." Viv muses. "Glad to sit back and enjoy watching their kids joke around but jump in as soon as one of them starts whining." She breathes chuckling. "Lars and Kiki are both as crazy as we both are and both annoyed me until I left to pick the both of you up because they can't wait to meet you and T."

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