Deep talk & cuddling

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"What do you mean?" Viv asks softly, Beth just glances down at Viv's mouth as she cups the back of her neck and glances back up to lock eyes with her. She quirks an eyebrow as Viv just bites her lip and leans up on her tiptoes as Viv just subtly moves her head a silent sign that she picked up on Beth's idea. She leans their foreheads together as Viv leans down, feeling her fingers slip into the belt loops and gazes into soft blue-grey orbs slowly tilting her head up as Viv just smiles softly.

She exhales shakily as her nose grazes Viv's soft hot puffs of breath hitting her lips and smiles slightly as she feels her fingers tighten around her belt loops, she tilts her chin up as she notices Viv just waiting for her to make a move and skims her lips over Viv's soaking in the soft deep breath she takes through her nose.

She slowly pulls back humming as Viv just tugs her even closer by her belt loops, she wraps her arms around Viv's shoulders with a soft hum as soft lips capture her own in a sweet kiss and slides her hand up into Viv's hair gently pulling it out of it's bun. She smiles into the kiss as she hears Viv's deep inhale after she traces her bottom lip with her tongue and tilts her head to deepen the kiss right after Viv opens her mouth granting her access.

She gasps into the kiss as Viv swiftly turns them around, picking her up so she is sitting on the kitchen counter. She slowly pulls back as her lungs scream for air and leans her forehead against Viv the both of them panting softly with their eyes closed.

"Wow," Viv whispers softly, Beth watches her eyes slowly flutter open and smiles shyly as she watches the grin appear on Viv's face.

"Can we skip the movie and just talk?" Beth asks softly, she smiles as Viv nods her head chuckling as she helps her down and kisses her cheek. She grabs their glasses as Viv takes the popcorn and walks into the living room, she sits down rolling her eyes as Viv sits down beside her but with a bit of distance between them and reaches out to pull her closer. "Don't go all awkward on me now Vivi." She breathes.

She leans against her side as she just smiles slightly, leaning forward to grab her glass of wine and sits back after holding Viv's beer out for her to take. "So talk?"

Viv hums softly as she slowly wraps her arm around her shoulders and smiles as she cuddles into her. "Yeah, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well." Beth pauses and bites her lip. "I think we both know what we want." She breathes smiling as Viv just hums with a shy grin. "But one of your comments last time doesn't want to leave my mind."

"I said a lot for once." Viv muses. "Which one are you referring too?"

"That it will be 70/30?" Beth asks. "I don't really like the sound of you taking less than I do."

"I'm not." Viv breathes. "It's more in the sense that you have more things to consider Beth, it's not only the both of us while we date it's also Theo and you know best what is good for him." She continues as they lock eyes. "If our relationship progresses into something more and you notice that it harms Theo in any way, I will never expect you to pick between the both of us, he will and will always be your first pick even if it will hurt but I will rather have you in my life and hold the memory of us together than ruin something amazing and end up empty handed."

"You are so damn selfless." Beth breathes with a shake of her head. "You would really ignore your own happiness to make sure Theo and I are fine?"

"I would yes, I would never do something that could harm Theo, Beth." Viv murmurs. "If the two of us dating, bothers him in any way I rather be your friend and watch him enjoy life."

"He loves you though and you made him the happiest little guy on earth just today." Beth breathes. "I don't think us dating would harm him in any way Viv, hell just a few hours ago he asked me if you would sleepover forever now so in his words it was his way of asking if there was something more going on between us, that was what gave me the final tiny push to see today as a date and not as just us spending time as friends."

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