New Year's Eve in Whitby

601 15 3

Three days later

"Hey, stranger."

Viv looks up from her phone as she hears a familiar voice, raising an eyebrow as she locks eyes with Leah and smiles slightly. "Hey, Leah."

"Is this seat free?"

She nods her head, pushing the chair back with her foot as a silent invite for Leah to sit down and places her phone on the table. "Is everything alright?" She asks as she notices Leah biting her lip.

"Yeah, I just.." She follows Leah's line of sight as she cuts herself off to look at a different table, noticing Jordan sitting at the table with Beth and turns to look at her.

"Is this about Beth?" She turns back to Leah as she hums and raises an eyebrow. "What about her, Leah?"

"I just." Leah pauses and frowns. "Can I talk openly and it stays between us and well Jordy because she knows too?"

"Of course."

Leah slowly nods her head folding her hands on the table as Viv takes a sip of her beer and sighs. "The past two years even a bit longer, Jordy and I travel back and forth between London and Whitby at least twice a month to spend time with our best friend and godson." She starts. "At first we accompanied DvD but after she transferred we mostly drove alone and heard that she barely visited her pregnant girlfriend."

"I'm gonna stop you here Leah." Viv breaths out as they lock eyes. "Did Beth agree to you telling me all of this?"

"She did and I am not telling you everything, that is her part to tell but I want to tell you a bit so you know why she almost kicked you out a few days ago," Leah responds, she takes a sip of her drink as Viv slowly nods her head and sighs. "Anyways, Beffy and I go way back and she met Daan thanks to me which I hate now even though I am also glad because Theo is the only good thing out of that relationship."

"Beth gave up her career to carry Theo thinking she found her forever in Daan and Daan gave her that feeling." She continues. "Unbeknownst to us Daan saw Beth as nothing more than a body to keep her warm and to boost her career, Beth was quite bubbly and overly friendly always making friends no matter where she went and Daan used that to gain those people as her fans and use Beth's friendliness to her advance you know what I mean?"

"She used Beth's personality to make a name in a for her foreign country," Viv states.

Leah nods her head in agreement and sighs. "Exactly and it was successful, she was the talk of Arsenal until she left and even today she is known as the best Dutch we had, no offence to you."

"None taken." Viv breathes chuckling. "I just transferred and still have to prove myself."

"You proved yourself enough in my eyes," Leah tells her with a slight grin. "It's hard to give you a backstory and not spill anything Beth doesn't want me to tell you, so I will pack it all in one sentence." She adds, she waits till Viv nods her head and licks her lips. "Daan transferred and dropped Beth like a stone two months after, she left her pregnant girlfriend of almost four years who gave up her career so she could carry their child for someone younger and shoves the blame in Beth's shoes."

She hums as Viv frowns and runs a hand through her hair. "The whole pregnancy and wanting a child was Daan's wish because she is nearing her thirties, Beth met Daan during her time at Sunderland around the age of eighteen, fell pregnant shortly after turning twenty and after months of convincing and in my eyes begging from Daan just to be dropped and left alone."

"What a bitch." Viv mumbles.

"My words exactly." Leah breathes. "She blames Beth for everything though and we have seen some posts and or comments from her stating such on Instagram, that is one of the reasons Beth is so private and keeps to herself."

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