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A month and a half later


"Vivianne." Jonas sighs. "Don't let me repeat myself!"

"That was not me asking to repeat yourself, you expect me to do what?"

"I expect you to dress nice and be at your best during the fundraiser tonight, a lot of clients are coming for you so be at your best and bring in whatever you can for the club."

"You do realize what you are asking from me right?" Viv asks incredulously. "I play football because I like it, not to bring in the cash for the club." She sneers.

"You are the goat for a reason," Jonas tells her as he crosses his arms. "Tomorrow is all about you, so act like that too!"

"You are asking me to put a fucking price on myself, Jonas!" Viv exclaims loudly as she throws her hands in the air not noticing several girls looking up from their training to look at them in concern. "I told Arsenal from the beginning that I won't fucking do that!"

"It's a part of your contract!"

"Yeah?" Viv asks. "Show me, because if it was my agent and I wouldn't have signed it." She smirks as Jonas just scowls and crosses her arms. "I am not your nor Arsenal's toy to use for more money or whatever, I am here to play football, help the team and bring Arsenal further up the list nothing more." She sneers. "I will attend to the fundraiser but if one of the money sharks dares to approach me thinking they can shove money up my arse, I am going home."

She turns on her heels as she feels her hands start to shake knowing she has to remove herself from the situation and looks around. "Kim?" She calls out.

"Viv?" Kim asks looking at her with soft understanding eyes.

"What time is it?"

"Training is over," Leah tells everyone after glancing at the time, Viv nods her head turning to look at Jonas and rolls her eyes as he just scoffs. She turns on her heels after glancing at the girls and jogs out of the gym.

"Viv wait up!"

She speeds up as she hears Leah and Kim both yell for her, bursting into the dressing room almost bumping into Katie and Steph Catley walking in front of her and walks over to her locker.

"You alright there goat?" Katie asks in surprise as she watches Viv open her locker, a loud slam of the door colliding with the wall sounding through the room.

"Viv." Leah and Kim both breathe as they enter the room right after, Leah crosses the room as she watches Viv's tense form accompanied by shaking hands and hugs her from behind.

"Breath babes." She whispers as she hears her ragged breathing, she sits down pulling her in her lap as Kim ushers everyone inside to fill them in on what happened and runs her hand down her back. "Come on Vivianne, breathe."

"Steph?" She looks up at the Australian standing nearby and locks eyes with her. "Can you hand me Viv's phone please?" She thanks her as she immediately hands her the device and one-handedly unlocks it, she scrolls down the contact and taps Beth's name knowing her best friend can pull Viv out of this state. "Girls quiet down a bit please." She tells everyone as she holds the phone to her ear.

Hey you, training over?

"Beffy it's me."

Le? Everything alright?

She sighs as she hears the immediate worry and glances at Viv, she shakes her head as she notices her biting her lip hard knowing she is trying to keep her emotions back and focuses back on the call with Beth explaining what happened.

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