The 'After' party

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Beth follows Viv into the house after the staff member dropped them off and kicks off her shoes as soon as she enters knowing Viv has a no-shoes rule, she locks eyes as she turns around to look at her and smiles slightly as she yawns. "Tired?"

"Hm, a bit." Viv murmurs as she steps closer her hands immediately finding her waist, she smiles as she feels Beth's arms wrap around her shoulders and leans down to kiss her softly. "I feel like I didn't greet you properly." She murmurs between kisses. "Hi, I missed you."

Beth giggles pulling out of the kiss as she feels Viv smile sweetly and leans their foreheads together. "I missed you too Vivi and you did greet me properly."

"Not in my eyes," Viv mumbles as she catches Beth's lip into a soft kiss again, she smiles into the kiss as Beth hums softly her hands disappearing into her hair again and steps forward effectively pinning her against the door.

"Vivi." Beth gasps pulling back after Viv nipped on her bottom lip, she shivers as she feels cool fingers trail up her side effectively pushing the top she wears further up. She tilts her head back against the door as she feels her grin against her jaw, tightening her hold on her hair as her lips skim over the sensitive part of her neck and bites her tongue to keep in a soft moan as Viv kisses it.

"Lieverd." She whispers unable to suppress a moan as she sucks on her pulse point knowing she felt the shudder coursing through her body, she gasps as soft lips crash against her own, her hands dropping from Viv's head to her back as she feels her body covering her own and grabs the back of her button up after sliding her hands underneath the blazer Viv wears.

She shudders as she feels Viv's hands slide up her ribcage, pulling out of the kiss with a soft gasp as she reaches her bra and leans her forehead against Viv's. She licks her lips as she gazes into darkened blue-grey orbs and gulps thickly as she feels Viv's fingers thrum against her ribcage, she slides one of her hands up her back soaking in the shudder she feels coursing through Viv's body and smiles slightly as Viv bites her lip watching the struggle in her eyes.

She slowly slides her hands up to Viv's sides under the blazer and slowly pushes it off of her shoulders, she catches it before it lands on the ground watching Viv's eyes darkening further. She gasps softly quickly wrapping her arms around Viv's waist as she swiftly picks her up, cupping the back of her neck with a soft hum as she pulls her into a deep kiss and tilts her head deepening the kiss as she feels Viv move them.

She tightens her arms around her shoulders as she feels her back hit the soft mattress in Viv's room, pulling Viv on top of her and runs her hands down her spine. "Beth," Viv whispers as she pulls out of the kiss, leaning their foreheads together as they both try to catch their breath.

Beth hums softly as she leans up to trail her lips down Viv's jaw, nipping on her pulse point and soothing the sting with her tongue. She smiles as she hears Viv's soft moan and leans further up gently biting on her earlobe, she smirks as she feels Viv's arms buckle realizing that the Dutch doesn't shy away from a bit of aggression and leans her forehead against her temple. "Vivi." She husks as she feels her hands tighten at her sides knowing she is trying to hold herself back, she pulls back to lock eyes with her and slowly runs her own hands up her front catching one of the buttons of Viv's button-up between her fingers.

She slowly unbuttons it as Viv just bites her lip, hands trailing down opening buttons along the way. She gulps thickly as her eyes trail down Viv's front, sliding a single finger down quivering abs and slowly glances back up at Viv after hooking her hands underneath the button up to push it down Viv's shoulder. "God, you are so beautiful."

Start of Smut

Viv just dips her head to kiss her, moaning softly as Beth bites at her lip and swipes her tongue against her in response, and then their tongues are curling around each other, stroking aggressively into each other's hot mouths. Beth pants her name as Viv nips down her jaw to suck at her pulse point briefly. She traces the tip of her tongue around Beth's ear, listening to her low moan, and then sucks the lobe into her mouth, nibbling teasingly. Beth buries fingers in her hair, and rubs her other hand up and down Viv's back encouragingly as she squirms beneath her. She cants her hips up against Viv's thigh, and they start a slow, grinding rhythm.

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