Arsenal vs Aston

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"Mummy look it's Auntie Jordy!"

Beth groans inwardly as Theo spots Jordan walking past them during Aston's lap of honour, locking eyes with the smaller blonde knowing she heard it too and raises an eyebrow silently telling her that it's her decision if she wants to come over or not.

She smiles sadly as Jordan pointedly ignores them, placing both of her hands on Theo's shoulders as he continues yelling for his auntie and slowly shakes her head knowing she has some things to explain later on.

She turns back to the pitch after picking Theo up and points at Leah and Viv stepping out of the huddle to do the lap of honour together. "Look there are Vivi and Auntie Leah." She tells Theo hoping the girls can distract him.

"Jordy!" Theo yells.

She locks eyes with Viv as she turns to them knowing she heard his yell and slowly shakes her head with a frown as she raises an eyebrow knowing she is asking if Jordan came over, she bites her lip as Viv calls Kim over to do the lap with Leah and watches her sprint over to Jordan near the dugouts.

"Oh boy." She whispers as she watches Viv point at the stands with a glare and wildly gesturing with her hands the second Jordan turns to look at her.

"What's going on?" Leah asks confused as she joins them noticing Viv's heated discussion with Jordan.

"She ignored T," Beth murmurs sadly as she rubs her son's back as he immediately reaches for Leah with a squeak.

"No Jordy?" Theo pouts as he looks up at his Auntie, Leah slowly shakes her head and rubs his back with a sad smile.

"No forever sleepover any more for me and J, Theo." She tells him softly.

"Why?" Theo pouts.

"Sometimes that happens with adults, baby." Beth sighs, not having planned to have this conversation at the stadium. "Auntie Le and Jordy don't live together any more that is why Auntie Le lives with Vivi now."

"She no more my auntie?" Theo pouts. "Did I do wrong?"

"Oh no baby." Beth breathes as she takes him from Leah. "You did nothing wrong Theo neither did Auntie Le."

"Vivi still sleeping over forever?" Theo asks cutely, Beth nods her head as he looks up with his big blue eyes and kisses his forehead.

"Yes baby, Vivi is still sleeping over forever," Beth reassures as she adjusts her hold on him.

"Vivianne!" She quickly looks up as she hears several girls yell Viv's name, her jaw dropping as she watches several girls holding her back and turns to Leah noticing some girls holding Jordan back.

"What happened?" She asks.

"No idea, I will be right back," Leah mumbles as she watches Kim push Viv further back with Manu's help, she sprints over as she notices several girls also holding Katie away noticing the rage on her face and locking eyes with Kim as soon as she is near. "What happened?"

"Ask Aston bitch over there," Katie growls as the girls push her over to the group, Leah just raises an eyebrow and turns to Viv.


"Jordan talked shit about you, calling you a cheating bitch and blaming me for her breaking up with you," Viv growls as she runs her hands down her face.

"Complete bullshit." Katie scoffs. "Bitch takes the easiest way out and tries to spread fucking rumours about you, I hope she fucking relegates or retires for all I care that old bitch!"

"Old what?!"

Viv pulls Katie behind her as she hears Jordan's sneer, stepping forward as she walks over and looks down at her, her eyes flashing. "Back the fuck off and head in." She sneers. "Stay away from my mates."

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