Chapter 146 - Shadow Monarch's Dungeon 04.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV




The entire area exploded with lightning, and chaos took over as the storm clouds created by Snape began to dissipate.

All the armors started appearing amidst the lightning, affected by the element, paralyzed and unable to move. Morou emerged from the smoke as well, searching for Snape, but the young wizard was no longer in front of him. His gaze shifted behind him, seeing all the mages being slain by Snape's sword, eliminating them one by one. Meanwhile, all the reanimated armors began collapsing to the ground, lifeless at this point.

"I've dealt with the most annoying ones..." Finally, having handled the mages, Snape observed the results of his attack with satisfaction as he turned back to Morou.

His chest was still bleeding; even with the basilisk skin armor, it had been easily damaged by Morou's blade attacks. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a few vials he kept in a dimensional space. Without the system active, he had to rely on alternatives he had already prepared. He began taking out vials and drinking potions one by one, trying to recover from a distance.

"I really underestimated you, forgetting even how strong I was. But that doesn't matter anymore, does it, my old self? Let's finish this once and for all." Snape said as he finished drinking the potions. Besides healing his wounds, they increased his strength and speed. He had to admit: his old self was more powerful than he currently was.

After the last empty vial fell to the ground, Snape crushed it under his foot and disappeared, using his speed. He began advancing through the area. The armors tried to move, but the electricity was still paralyzing them. This was a perfect opportunity for Snape, who started cutting through them as he passed, eliminating all the archers and half the sword-wielding armors with almost no resistance.

He finally stopped and looked at Morou, advancing towards him. His sword and Morou's daggers collided once again, generating a shockwave that echoed through the hall. But now Snape didn't have to deal with mages or arrows coming his way.

"Do you really intend to challenge the former Guardian that you once were, Snape?" Morou taunted, moving quickly.

Snape was beyond his limits, using the potions to enhance his physical condition beyond what the system had already amplified. Even so, he was still slower and weaker than Morou, losing ground quickly.

However, Snape had something Morou didn't: the magic of this world. He moved his wand, teleporting and casting long-range spells as attacks. When Morou tried to strike him, Snape vanished, reappearing at a distance and launching lightning in his direction. Morou dodged, running between the pillars at high speed, even climbing walls to avoid the attacks. He closed in on Snape, who only smiled and disappeared again, reappearing in his original position.

The remaining armors, confused, couldn't predict Snape's movements as he teleported around the battlefield. He finally moved against them, eliminating them one by one until none remained. At last, the only remaining opponent was Morou, who appeared swiftly before him.

"Very clever. You use those interesting tricks well," Morou said as he struck with his daggers, pushing Snape back. He maintained a firm posture.

Snape disappeared again, reappearing a few meters ahead, watching Morou carefully as he took a few steps around him, alert and trying to anticipate any new movement.

"You cannot defeat the Monarchs, Morou, and you know it. That's why I will surpass them myself... as Severus Snape of this world." Snape declared confidently, staring at Morou with a determined look.

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