48| Sorry Ally

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"Minerva, my kids need me. They need their father. Would you rather they grow up without one?"

"My kids do not need YOU. They can live without the influence of a cheating father."

"Minerva please understand-"

Mom turns around abruptly to face dad. "What do you want from me? For sure not money. Cause you earn those enough going behind the government. Black money is a lot after all. And please stop pretending you care about MY kids. If you did, you wouldn't be out all night and most days fucking that whore-"

"Minerva, that's enough!" This is the first time, dad raises his voice. "Willy is not a whore. And I haven't been out fucking her...God forbid she's like my si-"

"I'm sick and tired of your lies Jacob. And you know what? I don't even care about your whore anymore. But the black money Jacob? I-I still can't believe you're the man I fell in love with..." as her sentence hangs in the air, this is the first time a little bit of the vulnerability is visible in her face.

Dad's face softens. He moves closer to her, his hands cupping her face, "Minerva trust me, I'm not-"

Mom slaps his hands away as she takes several steps back. "Do. Not. Touch me Jacob. You've lost that right days back. It's funny how you realize that just now. If you'd tried coming near me even once in the past fucking month...."

"I told you Minerva, I was busy. It was a crucial situation with the team. Do you think I'd have stayed away from my family, days on end if I had a choice?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I think!" Mom shouts. "And team? Fucking team? Oh please that's a fucking cult. I don't want a man who's involved in such practices to be even anywhere near my children."

Dad blanches. "Minerva, they're my kids too. I've raised them bit by fucking bit-"

"No you haven't. Were you even present since the time they were born? On second thoughts, you actually were." She stabs one finger at his chest, "you were there every time it concerned our oldest. You were there when he was born, you were there on his first day at kindergarten, you were there when he fell and scraped his knee. You were there giving me hope of a life we could've had."

Mom glides her fingers through her hair as tears glisten her eyes, "But you went and broke every single one of those hopes with our second child...and for that I will never forgive you. "

Dad seems crestfallen, "Minerva I love both my kids the same. They are my fucking flesh and blood too..."

"Shut up, Jacob. Shut up. These words would've held importance a month ago, if you'd bothered. But you didn't. And you only think of spitting these lies when you're held at gun fucking point, asked by your wife to leave the fucking house. "

"Minerva please try to understand....my son needs me...."

Mom turns around and slaps him.

I flinch at the harsh sound of palm against skin.

In my sixteen years of life, I've never seen either of them even look at each other violently.

"You have another fucking kid, Jacob! Did you even hear a single fucking word I said?"

My father starts to say something, but mom interrupts.

"Our oldest son is not your only child! Forget about me, the least you could've done was spend some time with your younger kid. Give that little child the time of your fucking day. But you, selfish bastard, you were only ever interested in involving your teen son in that dangerous cult!"

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