19 | Unethics and a Tragedy

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~ E L L O R A ~

It has been three weeks since I last passed through the lonely, deserted buildings of Devon street. Three weeks since I have seen Willy. Although I was hired for only two days, it feels like a decade worth of memories.

I have already started to miss walking beside those creepy buildings of Devon street. I have already started to miss house number thirteen. I have already started to miss that huge bookcase with lots of ancient books.

And to say I have already started to miss Willy will be the understatement of the century.

I have seen Professor Langdon four times since then in MU, but I still miss assisting him in his lab work - although I had done it for two days. I realize I had already become obsessed.

And whenever I attended his classes in the past two weeks, I had spent most of the class day dreaming about going back to 13 Devon street someday. The thought of never being able to work beside professor Langdon in his lab ever again in my life, scares me.

Boy, do I miss my ex-job

"Ms. Davis, are you with us?"

I jerk out of my day dream at Professor Anderson's voice.

"Er, yes sir." I answer startled.

"Better be." He says before flipping his head and attention back at the class. " So as I was saying, it will be a 70 mark test, the time will be one point five hours dot, and failing this will cost you twenty percent of your final year marks. No late submission of the answer sheet will be accepted. And in any case of infidelity, the pupil's paper will be immediately cancelled and the pupil immediately suspended from my class for the next...whichever number of days I deem. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir." The usual monotonous reply comes from the students.

Fifteen minutes later professor Anderson says "Begin."

The moment this word leaves his mouth, I turn around the question paper and begin the usual drill.
Well, its not that difficult - I expect an A in this for sure. I start writing.

Fifteen minutes in, I am completely immersed, trying to frame the introduction of my second answer when Professor Anderson calls,

"Ms. Davis"

"Yes sir?" I look up startled.

Without any answer he simply walks up to me with firm strides. His face muscles tight and jaw clenched.

I notice Isabella from the corner of my eyes standing beside Professor Anderson's desk. Okay that is strange...isn't she supposed to give her exam?

"Can I check under your desk?"

Confused more than ever at this weird question, I move aside, "Sure sir."

He bents slightly to look at the compartment below my desk. I never use these compartments ever, so I know there isn't anything there which belongs to me.

Seconds later, he pulls something out.

When he turns back around his jaw is clenched and there is a red tinge all over his face.

"Ms. Raymond you may please resume your exam." he says to Isabella, who immediately gets back to her seat. Not before shooting me a dangerous smirk.

Wait, what -

"And Ms. Davis, follow me out." he says, before walking out stiffly.

This is not normal at all. Students are never asked to 'follow outside' the professors during examination.

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