54 | Little star

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A B R A H A M 

“So that's final? Me and Willy are going in.” Dad states from the opposite side of the table. “Samuel and Ivy will stay here in HQ. Samuel, you will do your tech magic and Ivy will let us in places.”

Ivy is a hacker- a really fucking brilliant one at that. I'd found that out very soon in the past almost six months that I've been here. 

We are sitting around scattered in Samuel's office. In a discussion as life threatening as infiltrating an age old terrorist group, you would expect it to be held in a more…elite, serious manner. 

Not these guys though. One of the best minds of the country, and they hold meetings about terrorist groups sitting on the floor, in a circle, cross-kneed. 

Dad proceeds. “Right. So if no one has any problems with the plan, Ivy, how far are you with our fake profiles?” 

Ivy, without looking up from her laptop perched on one knee, as she types away furiously, says “I'm on it. At max, give me two more days.” 

“Perfect. Samuel, do you have a plan for our entry points yet?” 

Samuel Davis fixes his rimmed glasses as he sorts through some papers scattered in front of him. “Not really.” He says with a deep frown. “Their headquarters are based down a goddamn cliff. Thats what the radar I put on one of them said. I checked even last night. So I'm pretty sure it's down the cliff. But the radar keeps on fucking disappearing after a point at the edge of the cliff. So I still have no clue where the entrance is. Even if I somehow find the entrance, I don't know how to get you guys in through all those thorny shrubs and whatnot down there. The forest map doesn't look promising at all. I need to figure something out.” 

Samuel is the most cool headed one in the group and seldom curses. So for him to be distraught, the situation is pretty bad. 

Dad pats him on the back. “It's okay, pal. I know you'll figure something out. I think we still have…what, a week?” He turns towards Willy. 

“Eleven days to be exact until we need to infiltrate the base.” Willy says, before pausing for a few seconds. The silence in the room fills with Ivy's heavy typing and Samuel's scrapping of papers.

And then she asks quietly, “How long does it take to fool a group of genius mass murderers into trusting you?” 

Dad's face hardens. “It doesn't matter, Willy. We are going in as one of them. Working with them as long as it takes my son here to complete building Shiva. And then we are blowing apart their entire headquarters to smithereens from inside out.” 

No one says a thing for a few heavy seconds. Ivy has stopped typing, and is looking up. Samuel has stopped fidgeting with his papers, and Willy is staring hard at the floor. 

No one has stated the plan clearly before this. To have it all out in the open, that too this directly kind of hits the point home for everyone. 

Finally Dad tries to change the topic, “Speaking of, how far are you with Shiva, Magnus?” 

Right. The bomb. 

The fucking bomb that I am supposed to build that could blow almost an entire city to pieces. But in reality it is only going to blow apart the headquarters of the Dark Scientists. My only consolation is, if I am blowing apart something -it's thousands of trees and men who plan to end innocent lives.

Yet, it's not enough consolation. 

I clear my throat from my inner struggles, and look up straightening my glasses. “Still struggling with certain parts.” 

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