15 | Hell breaks loose

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"And I wonder if someday you'll be by my side
And tell me that the world will end up alright"

~Shawn Mendes, Wonder


I kick a huge piece of pebble with my left toe. It flies a few feet reaching upto the height of my waist and tumbles down to the ground, rolls down the drain and disappears out of sight.

I don't stop. I keep walking, as my eyes scan around searching for more pebbles.

Kicking pebbles aimlessly, and watching them reach a huge height and within seconds fall down back on the ground only to disappear eventually, is so satisfying in such an odd way. Its almost like our fears, anxiety, trepidation, all of which are mostly in-the-moment emotions. It rises to great heights initiated by a situation, just like the pebble initiated by a kick. And when the moment passes it once again falls straight back to the ground and eventually disappeares, like the pebbles.

Its Devon street and am heading to the thirteenth house. And just like yesterday, the tension is higher than the Alps. However the reasons are obviously different.

Yesterday was finding his house in this gravyard like place and getting the job. Today, I know both of yesterday's reasons are cleared. But every single time, since today afternoon I thought of my shift in Mr. Langdon's house, a picture of him standing with a hard face behind the stands looking at me getting teased and taunted keeps getting in the way.

How can someone be so damn hard to read? I had no way to make out from his face what he was feeling. It was flawlessly impassive. His hands were fisted...people fists their hand when they are angry right? But it does not make any sense! If he was angry, why didn't he come forward?

Maybe he had just gotten there? Maybe he didn't get the chance to step up because Mr. Blackwood did before?

But the way he was standing, his posture, it definately did not look like he had just gotten there.
With him however...who knows?

Maybe I am making an unnecessary ruckus out of the whole thing and he doesn't give a shit about me? Maybe he will react absolutely normal and not bring up today's incident...because, well, he doesn't give a shit about me?

This thought eases my mind a little. But at the same time, I feel disappointed....No, not because he has no interest in me. No. Nope. Absolutely not.

Fifteen minutes later, I find myself standing at Mr. Langdon's doorstep.

Not delaying the inevitable I reach out and knock. Few minutes later the hall light switches on and the door is opened,

by Lady Devil.

Why am I surprised?

Today however she utters not a single word. With a scheming contrite she never once removes her eyes from on me.

After I enter, she shuts the door softly.

And then she walks away.

She simply walks away the opposite side without acknowledging my presence or anything else.

Sighing, I walk towards the creepy corridor, at the end of which is Mr. Langdon's lair.

Today too there is absolutely no light or sound anywhere.

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