05 | Hey, lil' Queen

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Hello readers! So the AWsoME music alloted for this chapter is unfortunately not available on youtube. But the good news is you can get it for free on spotify. It's called : Salem's Secret by Peter Gaudy. Do check out this awsome piece of art!
Happy reading & Happy listening !

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Papa is leaning against the rocking chair.

I didn't know it is possible for a person to loose so much weight within twenty four hours. He looks...weak. Extremely weak. Exhaustion is clear in his eyes. His head is tilted back and his eyes are closed.

Mum is sitting next to him with a bowl full of broth, probably feeding him.

I had seen him last night. Today I had extra classes in the morning and he was sound asleep when I left. I didn't know then that next time I would see him, he would be...different. I didn't know his condition would fall this sharp.

As I walk closer to him, Ethan at my feet, I couldn't stop the tears that are threatening to fall, causing my vision to blur.

The man who I had grown up thinking as the strongest man on Earth, is now so weak he cannot even hold a spoon steadily.

He is breathing very slowly, taking long pauses in between. Too long pauses. There is gurgling and rattling sounds coming from his throat....making it clear that he is having difficulty in breathing. The limited skin that is visible, his hands and feet, has turned bluish, a dusky colour.

Well, leukemia at its final stage does this to you.

All of this is gradual change. This was expected. Heck, I was even seeing him change every single day. The doctors had already informed us of papa's fate. We know what is awaiting us.

But right now, seeing his condition, it feels as if everything is starting over once again. For some weird reason, today the reality of papa's fate is hitting me hard as ever. A dangerous fear is slowly creeping up my nerves as for the first time, my mind is drifting of to a new world - a world without papa.

Nearing his chair, I rub my eyes of off the tears. Nobody is allowed to cry in papa's room. The doctors have said, seeing his loved ones crying over him might be stressful. And stress after all this, is the last thing we want.

Even in his week, semi-consciuos state he senses my presence as his eyelids opens slowly. With a lot of difficulty.

"Hey, lil' Queen " he says weakly, in a soft voice when his eyes finally rests on me.

Inspite of myself I cannot stop the smile that appears on its own at the nickname which he has been using since I first opened my eyes. He has refused to call me a Princess or any other name, because according to him I am born to rule - and queens does exactly that. Earliar when I was actually little, he had added lil', which although I am not little anymore, still persists.

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