29 | The Ultimatum

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I don't remember when or how I had fallen asleep. Last thing I remember was getting inside a car with Mr. Langdon.

And the next thing I know, I am in someone's arm being carried somewhere. And its awfully chilly. I feel the cold, cruel air bite harshly at the bare skin near my waist, from where my shirt has lifted slightly.

It takes me a moment to realize where I am or why I am here. It all comes back, like the slap of cold gushing wind against naked skin. A thousand pair of hands...grabbing onto my body...touching me...

I didn't want to remember. Why did I remember?

"You're awake." Deep, manly voice of the person holding me says from above. I don't look up at his face. My eyes remain fixed at nowhere. But I feel the vibration against his chest as he says the words.

"What is wrong, Ellora?" He asks again.

I don't reply.

"When I ask you something, I expect an answer."

Damn you, Professor Perfect. Why do you have to use your professor voice on me every time I disobey?

"What makes you think, something is wrong?" I finally say. It feels...odd to speak. It feels like my voice is rusted. There is a slight sting at the back of my throat. I think it's because of all the screaming I did back in the Coven, when they wer-

Shit, we didn't need to go there.

"Because you aren't being your usual hooligan self. Usually you'd struggle to get down from my arms."

It takes me a minute to comprehend the meaning behind his words. And when I do, I have this urge to rebuke him.

I am not a hooligan.

But I don't. Instead I say honestly, "I am just tired, Mr. Langdon. Too tired to deal with anything."

A minute of silence later, he says, "You sure nothing happened?"

"Other than the facts that I got suspended from uni for something I didn't do, then got kidnapped by my professor, who threw me down a high cliff to be interrogated by some itallian, old man I've never seen, who revealed every thing I thought about my professor for the past three years were all a sham- all in one day?"

"Yes, other than that." He says neutrally.

I finally look up at his face. If looks could kill, he would have dropped dead on the ground right now.

"Nothing happened." I say curtly looking away again.

"If I find out something did happen, Ellora..." The temperature suddenly drops a few degrees.

"Then, what?"

"Pray that situation never arises. You don't want to know what." His voice turns lowrs down a notch.

My heart skips a beat.

I am pretty sure though, such a situation would never occur. Because whatever happened inside, was probably nothing important or worth his knowledge. If I told him he'd probably think I am being a crybaby like Gigi did. They seem to have the same mentality. And I don't need that kind of assurance right now.

Thinking about Gigi makes my mood even more sour then before.

Thankfully we reach the porch of Mr. Langdon's mansion before I could have gotten mad with fury. He lets me down, as he turns towards the door to unlock it. I immediately scurry as far away from him as possible.

"Why am I here? I did what you told, right? Why can't I go home?"

"Not yet." He replies shortly.

I wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. He simply motions for me to get inside.

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