21 | Hallucinations

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"And if the sun starts to set and the sky grows cold
Then if the clouds get heavy and starts to fall
I really need somebody to call my own
I wanna be somebody to someone
Someone to you"

~Banners, Someone to you

~ E L L O R A ~

Beep. Beep. Beep.

This monotonous sound brings me back to consciousness. I slowly open my eyes. I am greeted by a ceiling fan moving around in a painfully slow pace. I stare at it for few, long minutes.
There is an uncomfortable silence except for the beep sound.

...focus on the silence Ellora, and dare it to speak back to you..

His voice rings somewhere at the back of my mind as I wait for the sound of water gushing, birds chairping and my heart beating.

Except there is none.

All sound that's audible is the beep beep - which is starting to get on my nerves now. Frowning I concentrate my focus on finding the sounds, my safe sounds. Where is the stream? Where are the birds?

I dare myself to move my face around and look at my surrounding.

A hospital room.

Wait, a hospital?

I remember lying in the concrete in dirt and blood under chunks of metal...and holding Professor Langdon's hand -

I sit up from my lying position completely confused.

I look around the room.
There is nothing to see. I am in a bed in the centre of a pretty boring room. There are all kinds of machines on the table beside me, hence the beep beep.

Where is Professor Langdon?

I start getting out of the bed, when I feel restrained. And then it reaches my notice - my right leg tied up, fixed to a pole.

Wait what-

"Ms. Davis you are up."

I snap my head towards the door. A kind faced man in a lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck walks towards me with a gentle smile.

"How do you feel?"

Instead of answering him I blurt out, "Where is Professor Langdon?"

Though the smile is still intact, a slight crease forms between his brows. "Professor who? Your mother and brother are here though, should I call them- "

"I am sorry, I mean, Mr. Langdon. Mr. Abraham Langdon. Where is he?"

He looks outright confused for a minute. "I am sorry Ms. Davis but there is nobody by that name here."

My heart drops at the pit of my stomach. The last thing I remember before I passed out was his scent that is so uniquely his, the feel of his hard features against me, his hands gentle on me hugging me with more vigour than my exhausted self could at the moment. And his words - you are with me now. Nothing in the whole fucking world can take you away from me.

Where is he now?

I don't realise mum, Ethan and another man as they walk inside the room. All that is in my mind currently is if he didn't leave me in this hospital, then who did? And if he did leave me here..isn't he supposed to leave his identity behind as the person who'd come with the patient? Then why does the doctor not know him? Wait a freaking second- after all the trouble he took to get me out of the hellhole, why would he even leave without meeting me and ensuring that I am alright?

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