16 | Falling

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"Forget what I said, its not what I meant
And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left
What am I now?
What if am someone I don't want around
I'm falling again"

~Harry Styles

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I take deep breaths in an attempt to calm my temper.

"What did you do to her?"

I shut my eyes and exahale a long breath as I hear Willy's voice from the doorstep.

"I told her to get out of my sight."

"Basically you kicked her out of your house?"

I do not answer. Answering it, would mean acknowledging, which in turn would make the truth of the statement hit me - and I might not be able to take the blow.

Willy takes my silence as my assent.

I hear her footsteps enter the room and walk towards me.

"Why would you do that? I agree, she is a...Siren sometimes but even she does not deserve this."

My silence greets her once again.

"Abraham, I think you need to leave right now if you want to bring her back."

"I don't want to."

...I do, more than anything right now.

Standing up straight, I turn around. I walk past Willy towards my work table. I need to distract myself. The best way to do that is busying myself with science.

"She will die Abraham. " Willy says quietly.

I take out my pliers to get ready to start fixing this damn thing, which by now feels like a never ending process. "Nothing happens in walking alone one evening. Many girls in Moonsville does. Men don't come out to hunt before nightfall, and it isn't even six yet. They won't be able to harm her now."

Why does it sound like me consoling myself?

"The men in Moonsville won't " Willy says gravely, " as, by then, the blizzard would already have killed her."

I freeze midway to dusting an old thermometer.

"What do you mean?"

Willy lifts her eyebrows, "What do you mean by what do I mean?"

"What blizzard?"

Willy frowns for a second, before her face straightens with realization, "Of course...of course you don't know. Of course you are more busy with garbage fixing and poison making to know what's actually happening in the real world..."

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