01 | The Dark Scientist

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       "Time curious time, gave me no compasses gave me no
signs Were there clues, I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty
to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you
to me "
~ invisible string (Taylor Swift)

            ☆  E l l o r a    D a v i s ☆

                                                     ☆  E l l o r a    D a v i s ☆

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This is a Fermi Problem Type Question, for which there is no single 'correct answer'. I am much more interested in your methods than the numerical answer you arrive at.

Q. If we could brew coffee in swimming pools, how many pools would we need to satisfy the need in the U.S. on a given day?

Okay, another brain wrecking question! Coming from a person that is Professor Langdon, why did I even expect that after four most insane questions on Earth, he would probably lighten the fifth and the final question?

I glance at my wrist watch. 15:58. Perfect! Just two minutes left - heck I wouldn't even manage to think how to solve this in freaking two minutes, let alone solving this entire thing. I take a deep breath. You got this Ellora Davis, take it light on yourself. Don't pressurize. Everything is just gonna be alright - this is what my heart said.

Alright, my ass - this is what my brain said.

Shaking my head, I take the middle path and pressurize my brain before turning my attention back to the question.

Okay coffee my best friend, lets get you in a U.S. swimming pool.

To answer this, first I need to answer : how much coffee people drink (as a volume) in the U.S. on a given day and : the volume of a swimming pool.

Heck, I have no idea about the volume of a swimming freaking pool....okay that is the second one, we need to solve the first, first.

Hence without further ado I start to work on how much coffee people drink in the U.S., making random assumptions.

I was in the middle of formualting - coffees/ day × person - when,

TRIIIIIIINGG! Triiiiing, Triiiiiinngg!

"Okay guys, time's up! Submit please." The captivating voice of Professor Langdon booms through the room.

I look up from my paper and around as rustling sound erupts throughout the class. Seven other students are getting up from their seats, packing their stuff, talking in hushed excited voices.

-which means, I've got the next five minutes to check my paper. Until everyone else have submitted theirs. I can submit mine the last.

I glance at Professor Langdon's tall frame, as he stands behind his desk typing away something in his laptop, as students come forward, submitting their papers on his desk one by one.

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