20 | Trust and Silence

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~ E L L O R A ~

A velvety smooth all familiar voice brings me back to consciousness.

"Ellora...God damnit ELLORA...."

I open my eyes and immediately wish I didn't. My right leg feels like a huge skyscraper has been founded on it. The pain that strikes through me is unbearable. Tears gather in my eyes.

The voice softens, probably realising that I'm conscious, "Ellora..its okay, look at me..."

Panicked, my gaze follows the voice and lands on a small crack somewhere in my right.

I've felt happines in my life before, but the joy I feel now on seeing the man through the small crack, is nowhere even near to the previous times.

"Professor..." I cry out. But immediately panic courses through my blood once again as I realise I cannot reach him. I am in a weird position lying on half concrete and half metal, far away from professor Langdon. I can just about see his face through a crack, most probably the windshield of the car.

But everything is in the wrong angle...and that is when it strikes me...oh my God, I have crashed...

I start panicking once again as the pain in my leg courses through my body with new valour.

"Ellora, do not concentrate on your leg, " I hear him as I look down towards my leg - on which currently the whole car rests. I look back up at professor Langdon's face dreading. "Shh don't worry, I am here now. Here.." he outstreches his hand through the crack and towards me.

After struggling, and angling my body in the right position, I take his hand with mine and clutch it tightly in a death grip. The feel of his skin against mine is like water after days of thirst in a hot desert.

"You need to get yourself out of there Ellora, I cannot do anything else otherwise..."

"I can't..." I sob as tears start bursting through my eyes due to the bone cracking pain in my right leg and the fact that I cannot be near him although he is so close by.

I hate this.

"Shh..shh it's alright. I'm not leaving you. Neither am I allowing any God fucking damn thing happen to you Ellora. But you have to try and come out of that place I cannot do anything otherwise." he repeats.

His words soothe me to some extent. But the other extent is still stuck at the pain in my leg which isn't allowing me to think properly nor move a single part of my body. How on Earth am I supposed to get out of this place when even a tiny movement feels like the end of me?

Tear after tear rolls down my cheeks and onto the dirt on the concrete. I can still see some day light through the cracks of metal which means I haven't been out for long.

Clutching Professor Langdon's hand tightly I try moving my body.

A loud scream erupts through the quiet as I realise it to be mine. An immense pain shoots through my leg once again...Okay..I am gonna die. Yeah..like this inside the remains of a broken car, with Professor Langdon's hands in mine I. am. going. to. die.

"Look at me. Look the fuck at me Ellora."

I cannot help the sob that comes out of my mouth at his voice and the throb in my leg. Even then, I turn my head sideways at the crack to look at his face - still sobbing. I grip his hands even tighter.

"I can't.." I sob at our distance. All I want in the moment is to be near him, to be able to touch him in places other than just his hand. Still I clutch his hand tighter almost fearing if I didn't, his hand would vanish.

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