07 |Gretel's Everyday Confectionary

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" Only a genius could love a woman like she "
                      ~ Genius (LSD)

M A R S H A L L     B L A C K W O O D

M A R S H A L L     B L A C K W O O D

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"Eli..." Ethan nudges me as I stand frozen to the floor, my legs refusing to take any more step further, my eyes glued to the man sitting opposite mum.

"..you need to move!" Ethan whispers.

Yeah, he wouldn't have said that if he had any idea about the man sitting in our living room.

I let out a shaky breath. Purse my lips. Move a lock of hair which has carelessly escaped my tie and tuck it behind my ear. Lift my chin up. Straighten my posture. And walk straight inside the room without a second thought.

As I walk in the preceding chatter stops and both of them look up at me.





After exactly four seconds Mr. Blackwood stands up, a lopsided smile lightening his devilishly handsome face.

"Marshall Blackwood." He says in a steady tight voice stretching his hand infront, as I walk towards him.

"El - " I clear my throat of the hoarse voice which is definitely not mine. "Ellora Davis."

He gives a firm shake to my hand, obvious from the timing and his steady fingers that he has done this a thousand times - a sharp contrast to my slightly shaking fingers and not-so-steady shake.

When was the last time I had shaken someone's hand?

"Ethan Davis. " Ethan says next shaking Mr. Blackwood's hand who gives him a similar smile and a nod.

Once we've all sat back down, mum gets straight to the point.

"Would you like an indoor - what shall I say- an introduction? or do you prefer outside."

"Anything that Ms. Davis wants is fine by me." He says in a calm voice matching mum's formal tone.

Wow. Now I guess am starting to get why mum chose him. He seems like my mum in so many ways. For example mum always had black coffee - I have never seen her drinking anything which isn't black. And Mr. Blackwood here has his cup half filled with black coffee as well.

Mum always has a straight posture when she sat, I don't remember the last time I had seen ber leaning back. This immediately made her intimidating to the opposite person. And Mr. Blackwood here is sitting in a perfectly straight posture too - well for an extremely popular billionaire tech genius, who attends interviews from all over the world and media everyday, who even expects otherwise?

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