55| Careful what you ask for, student

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E L L O R A 

He has gone completely still. His expressionless mask back in place.

“Cat got your tongue….Magnus?” I whisper his name, taking one step towards him. 

“You don't just get back home, yell at me and insult me for no goddamn reason, destroy the food I was trying to cook- for you nonetheless- and then prepare a meal fit for a battalion, bake a cake and write a stupid apology on a piece of paper and expect me to cry happy tears and cut your goddamn cake.” Tears are streaming down my cheeks at this point. 

He is so still, his muscles tensed and his jaw clenched. 

“Goddamnit, you haven't even wished me yet.” I say scoffing through my tears. “You know Professor I- I would have probably been happy with a small face-to-face, in-person apology and a simple birthday wish contrary to all this-” I point towards the entire setup, “-all this makeshift joke. Just. One. Simple. Apology.” 

I take another shaky step towards him. 

“Although that still wouldn't have justified your past actions, I would have forgiven you for yelling at me just this once because it's my birthday and I at least wanted to spend this day properly. But you, professor-” I press one index finger at his muscular chest, “-you. You had to go and ruin that one day for me too.” I rub the tears off my cheeks as more come out. “You had to go and force me to cut your goddamn cake and even went as far as to blackmailing me by touching me inappropriately-” 

“I am sorry, Ellora.” He interrupts me, his voice so quiet and sudden. His dark eyes bore into mine as he now takes a huge step towards me. 

Unconsciously I take a step back. 

“I am sorry for yelling at you.” He continues, “I will apologize to you as many times as you need me to-” 

He takes another step towards me, as I take another back, my eyes slightly widening at his closeness.

“-but I will not apologize for- as you so beautifully put it-‘inappropriately’ touching you, because don't pretend Ellora, that if I had reached all the way,” his voice drops several octaves, “I wouldn't have found your panties completely drenched.” 

Dead silence fills the mansion. 

My breathing seems to have stopped completely as I stare into his eyes. His face is a blank mask, but his eyes. Oh his eyes are brewing with so many emotions.

“I-” I fail to form a coherent sentence. 

I look away from his face as I take a deep breath and try again. “That- it does not- It is very- I don't see how the state of my underwear is at all important in the context of this conversation.” 

Seriously Ellora? That's what you came up with? 

“Oh, I'd say it is the most important point in this conversation, Ellora.” 

I stare at this man, at a loss of words.

His eyes fall on my cheeks, and once again his brows dip. His jaw clenches, focusing on my tears, as he closes his eyes and leans his neck down. 

A pause. 

“I'm not very experienced at…gifts…I don't do birthdays well, Ellora. I haven't celebrated birthdays since I was sixteen and even before that I wasn't really fond of them.” He looks back up, his eyes for a fleeting moment gazing over my tears before piercing into my eyes again. “But, it was wrong for me to yell at you- my mind wasn't…let's say in the best of the places. And I apologize to you for that.” 

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