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The bills are paid.

The fridge is full.

Flights booked for the next event in the diary...

And this isn't even for me. It's for the guy who is now telling me that he's road tripping back here to Boston with a surprise in tow.

Yay - his new girlfriend. And if you can't tell I'm being sarcastic.

"Camille? Helloooo? I need you to head to the store and get a few things, including a leash". Chris now brings me out of my thoughts.

I almost choke on my coffee as I grab my pad to write things down while he is on speaker. "Okaaaaay?".

"A leash..."

Wait, what?! Why the fuck does he need a leash?

"Woah, woah, woah! I'm gonna stop you right there. Whatever shit you and your new girlfriend are into? I'm not buying that..." I now begin to go into detail that buying sex toys or anything that could be used as them isn't in the job description.

I hear him sigh. "Not for that! For Dodger!"

"Who the fuck is Dodger?" I say, wondering just what the hell is going on and whether this will mean extra work for me.

I'm one half of Chris's PA team which consists of me and Josh. I've been working for him for a couple of years now after being brought in to deal with the mainly maintaining all the household aspects for Chris while he was away. I book his flights and stuff too, but since splitting the work in half, it's less pressure on Josh.

I spend more time at Chris's than I do at my own place. Not that I'm complaining because it's a beautiful house. Guess I can also add house sitter to my resume as well, because that's also technically what I do when he's gone.

"I adopted him from the shelter we were filming at, now I'm heading back with him. He's not exactly in the best of moods, pretty anxious, but I'm sure he'll soon settle down once he's back home".

I know for a fact he's smiling. This man is like a dog himself. Golden retriever energy, and utterly gorgeous. It's a good job that I only see him here and there, otherwise it would make my side of the job a little harder - crushing on the client. Still, at least he's nice to look at.

"Alrighty, what else then?" I get back to the point, writing Leash - not for new GF down at the top of the pad.

"Dog food, treats, toys - he's gonna need a bed..."

I write it all down, making some doodles beside a few. "Any kind of treatments?"

A flea one for your new girl perhaps?

"Nah, I've had them all done before he left. Anyway, I gotta go in a minute - see you tomorrow?"

"Here was me thinking you'd want me gone so you could be with the new love in your life". I jest. Of course I thought this love would be the girl he met on set that he's told me about, however now I can just tell that Dodger will be the one. Doesn't mean to say that I will be escaping the existence of the new woman. No doubt I'll be here working on a few days he'll need me to help out and she'll be here.

Am I jealous? Yeah, kinda, but it's not gonna kill me. I'm professional after all.

Chris now laughs and I quickly squeeze my legs together. I can hear the Boston in it and of course it's gonna make me melt into some kind of orgasmic puddle. "Hey, you know I'd never want you gone Mils, I kinda need you around to help me sort my life out".

"And to pick up your dry cleaning, make sure you don't die from starvation, open the fan mail and throw all the underwear away that your fans send you"

"Eshk! Another?" He sounds pained at this, but I'm used to it.

"A few - I've seen some things Evans - you'd better give me a big fat pay rise otherwise Josh can deal with the panties from now on". I fake being traumatised by the whole process when in reality as soon as I see so much as a flash of material in an envelope, I chuck it in the trash.

He laughs even harder now. "I promise I'll make it up to you".

"Oh yeah? How?" I ask with some interest.

"Well..." He starts smoothly. "I'm guessing you've done the grocery shopping for my homecoming, so how about I make you dinner one evening?"

Ok, this kind of feels like we could be crossing a boundary now. Act professional Cam, tell him it's not necessary. "Oh, it's ok - no need". I say brightly.

"It's just dinner, not a life sentence - unless you don't wanna then it's fine. I'll just head on down to Walmart, and buy a big ass teddy bear and leave it outside of your home..." He now starts telling me plan B and I stop him quickly.

"Ok, ok! No giant teddies invading my home please - dinner would be great. Perhaps we can sort through all the underwear you've been sent..." I now smirk to myself.

He groans. "Oh geez, I know you'd actually keep them for me to deal with too..."

"You know me so well". I laugh at this. It would be the ultimate punishment.

"More than you think..."

There's silence before I decide to just lie and get off the call. "So Megan's calling, I need to take this..."

"Oh, yeah...sure - anyway I'll see you tomorrow when me and Dodger get back".

"You sound like a kid at Christmas".

"Just glad to be home". He replies. "Oh, and Camille?" I go say goodbye but he stops me.


"Could...yeah, can you make sure that...potatoes - I erm, need potatoes...for the dinner?" He says in some sort of babble.

What the actual fuck?

I click the top of my pen and write it down. "Okaaaaaaay...potatoes?"

"Yeah. Anyway I really gotta go".

"Chris hav-" He's hung up before I can even ask my next question but I simply blink and shake my head, putting it down to the fact that he's probably tired. "Weird" I now mutter and rip the page from the pad, grabbing my keys so I can head to the nearest pet store to get everything Chris needs for Dodger.

I'm prepared. I'm always prepared, I have to be - but this time? I know I won't be, because it can only be dinner. Then in a couple of weeks his new girlfriend will manifest for a 'surprise' visit.

And I'm totally not prepared for that.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now