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"Camilla, would you mind grabbing us some pizza? I wanna surprise Chris". Jenny pokes her head around the door of the study, right as I'm about to leave to go home and escape the 'love shack' for however long she's here. 

I turn to her. "The takeout leaflets are usually in the kitchen drawer..." 

"No, I mean could you pick it up?" Jenny now asks as if I'm dumb. "You're an assistant aren't you?".

"To Chris? Yes". I tell her calmly. 

"So if he asked you to do this then would you?" She asks. 

I nod. "Yes, because I'm his assistant". Now emphasising that it's not her that I work for but her boyfriend. I'm not about to be running around for her too. 

"Well, I'm just worried about the media if they're out there snooping around. We don't exactly want our relationship splashed across the internet so soon. We're just getting to know one another a little more". 

"No one has pictured Chris here for ages. If you were in LA then there would be more of a chance. Trust me, you're safe". I didn't even know this chick was famous until I did my digging on her. Even then she's not exactly a-list. I'm so tempted to add 'they want to see Chris - not you', to the end of my sentence, but I don't. 

She huffs and then throws up her hands. "Fine, don't help me do something nice for your boss then". 

"I do nice things for him everyday, you really don't need my help when ordering a pizza - besides, I'm just about to head off, I have friends I'm meeting for drinks". I now check the time on my phone. I'm soooo gonna be late anyway now that she's taken up too much of my time. 

At that moment Chris appears and looks at us both. "What's going on?" He asks, looking from Jenny to me. 

I feel the defeat hit me. "Nothing, I just remembered I have something to do before I leave - you don't mind me staying here a bit longer do you?" I ask

"You're always welcome Mils, I've told you that before". 

"Ok, cool, well...yeah - I need to get on". I say and turn back to my desk, then wait until Chris says something to Jenny discreetly and then goes back to the living room. I grip the back of my chair and curse to myself mentally. 

Jenny smiles. "Thanks, Could you just get us the pepperoni? A large?" 

"Sure". I take my phone and go onto the internet to find the place in question, ordering their pizza and then heading to pick it up. I'm late for my night out and by the time I get there, my friends will be leaving to head home seeing as they have work in the morning. 

Jenny quickly takes the pizza and drinks that I ordered for good measure from me and then rushes into the living room, hearing Chris thank her in surprise. I close my eyes and mutter "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job", waiting for Jenny to come back and thank me - low and behold she doesn't, so I quietly slip back out of the house and head home. 

At least his night wasn't ruined. It's just a shame that I had to sacrifice mine. 


I'm woken the next morning by Josh calling me and answer groggily. "Hello?" 

"Hey Cam, listen I've gotta take a few weeks off, we've got a family emergency so I'm gonna be needing to travel - not looking good, but could you step in and go with Chris to his interview's and stuff? I know it's probably gonna fuck up your half of the work, but I don't really have a choice". 

"Of course, you got your schedule for him?" I sit up, feeling more awake now. 

"I've just emailed it over to you. I've let management know that you're the first port of call for this so I'm sure that Megan will calling to talk to you and stuff". He tells me. "He's got a few appearances next week". 

"Ok, no problem - hope everything works out alright". 

"Yeah me too, thanks Cam, I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm back". 

I brush this off. "Don't worry, I know you'd do the same for me". 

"Keep him in check". He laughs. 

"Kinda hard when the man is giving golden retriever half the time, but I'll do my best". I promise and we hang up. 

I see that there's a message from Chris on my phone and open it. 

Chris: Looks like it's just you and me for now Baquero - think you can handle it? 

Cam: Of course I can. 

No. I really can't - not if my stupid feelings won't subside and your new girlfriend is still hanging about. 

I'm gonna have to suck it up though, because Josh has just dealt me a hand that pretty much will have me around Chris more than I usually am - and it's certainly going to be a test. 

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now