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I always feel like a criminal letting myself into Chris's house when he's there, and will probably feel like it even more so when his girlfriend stays. Either way I don't disturb him and walk through to the study that doubles as mine and Josh's workspace. Chris has been back for a few days now. We had dinner that first night but then I worked from home so he could have his house back. I didn't need to be at his anyway, aside from today where me and Josh need to go through his schedule with him and whatnot - then we'll be out of his hair.

Dodger pads out of the bedroom and comes up to me. "Morning Dodger, dad still in bed?" I ask and scratch his ears.

"'Dad' has been up for ages and for a walk, Baquero". Chris now appears in the doorway.

I straighten myself up and note the coffee in his hand. "And yet you're still needing the caffeine".

He chuckles, "I need all I can get, Scott's coming later so no doubt he'll be my alarm clock for the next week".

Scott and I get along well. Chris says we have the same kind of energy so maybe that's why. Either way we've been the life of parties that have been held here. Josh and I are usually invited to the family get togethers and parties,  although I always tend to decline, citing that they should have time without the PA's hanging about - Chris always waves this off and tells me friends are family, and are always welcome.

Yeah. Friends.

"What time's he getting here?"

"Just after three I think". He looks thoughtful and then checks his messages. "Yeah about that".

I get my diary out of my bag as I dump it on my chair. "We'll be long done by then - in fact maybe I should be worried for the house if you're both here".

"Very funny, Baquero - you want coffee?" He offers.

"I'll get it".

"Mils, I can make a cup of coffee y'know".

"I know, but I'm just saying that you don't have to". I tell him.


Ok, some kind of orgasmic wave just went through my body when he said my name. I put my hands on my hips and look at him innocently. "Yes Christopher?"

He smiles to himself and shakes his head slowly. "I made you dinner, I can make coffee - I'm not completely useless".

"I never said or implied that you were. I just didn't want you going out of your way".

"As opposed to you always doing so for me?" He counters and I can't really argue with that.

I finally agree and he goes to make a cup while I sort out my diary and get started on the many emails I need to reply to.

"Morning Cam" Josh arrives soon after as Chris walks in. "Hey man".

"Hey, you want coffee too?"

"I'd kill for one, thanks". He says as Chris throws me a look that says 'See? He has no problems with me making his coffee', and then goes to make another. "So what did you get up to while we were gone?" Josh asks as he gets settled.

"Put my Ikea bookshelf together and then ate a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's".  I say and sip at my coffee with triumphant look towards him.

"That's nothing to be proud of Camille". Josh chuckles and opens his planner. 

"No but it's the only thing that I'm able to achieve at the moment as well as his lordship's bills and bookings in check".  I tell him. "You get to fuck off to different film sets and stuff, so your life is more exciting".

I don't feel sorry for my boring life outside of assisting Chris. I can't even make a relationship last because I'm too devoted to my job - at least that was what the last guy said.

I guess he's right in some ways. I'm devoted to a guy that won't ever happen. Plus he's now taken so it rules anything (imaginary at this stage) out immediately. I need to get over this and quickly, but it's hard when for the most part I work in close proximity with Chris.

"Okaaaay", Chris comes in and sits down with us, Dodger coming to join in as well. "So, let's see where we're at".

Spontaneous combustion - that's where I'm at.

We go through his agenda for the next few months, adding recent interviews and appearances to the diaries here and there. I make a note of what I need to book and when for - the main ones are for when he's off filming the Avengers. There's also a few events in Boston that he's doing but we just need to put a date in for those. He tends to sort himself out for those ones.

I look up and think for a moment that I catch him staring, but instead I don't want him to think I'm also staring him out and divert my attention back to my diary. "Ok, I think we're done, is there anything else?" I ask both of them.

"Oh, just to let you guys know that Jenny's staying after Scott leaves next week, just a heads up for when you guys are in". Chris says.

I discreetly write leashed for a week - do not disturb at the start of next week's page and then close up the diary. "Ok, cool - you need me to book any restaurants or whatever for you guys?"

"Nah, we're just gonna stay in". He says, "I'll let you know if I need you for anything though".

Hopefully not a threesome.

"Ok, right well we'll finish up here and then get outta your way". Josh says as Chris gets up. He's got a video call with management so he's retreating to the dining room for that.

"Cool, see you guys later". Chris says and leaves the room.

I spin round on my chair and look at Josh. "Ok, tell me honestly - what's Jenny like?"

He laughs. "She's nice, you'll like her - honestly you don't need to go all guard dog on him".

"I know but we're his friends, we have a right to feel some protectiveness over him".

"Cam, trust me - this one is fine. I was with them through filming and it's all good".

Good...that's all I needed to hear.

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