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She's back! Queen Camille is in the hoooouse! 👑👑

Camille is in London with Chris! Just seen her get out the car with him and his team!

Wait, so who's she working for now?! 😂

Her and Chris are twinning! Surely this is trying to tell us something?

My god she looks beautiful, they actually look stunning together. 😍😍😍

Girl wouldn't be in London for any other reason. I think this is a clear sign they're dating even if she's not on the carpet with him.

Just seen her go into the cinema with Josh so my guess is she might be back working for him again - maybe just for this?

UK Chris fans are being fed over there today - he looks so good! 🫠

Go look at the clip someone's posted on Tik Tok - he's looking at her like he wants her for breakfast, lunch and dinner 😩

They forgot dessert as well but no matter. No sooner had we all got in the car the tension was there, but not in a bad or awkward way.

He's not stopped looking at me, even as we get out of the car his eyes are still keeping tabs on where I am. Iliana is here and I go over and hug her, as well as Megan who is probably going to have lots of questions but little time to ask them.

People here are literally calling out to me I stand and talk to Iliana and Josh. In the end I have to just give them a wave to satisfy them. It's a little strange how fans still know who we all are.

I feel a hand on my waist and then Chris is saying something to me in my ear. "You gonna wait in there with Josh? I've got Megan keeping an eye on the time".

I turn and nod, knowing full well that these fans have just seen his hand placement. "Yeah, see you in there", and he heads away to the carpet to speak with people and have pictures. "Right, let's go wait for him". I tell Josh. Megan's got this covered anyway.

We go inside and have a drink at the bar, catching up a little before Chris comes in along with security and has a quick conversation with a few people. For the most part he's done.

"We good to go?" Josh asks and he nods. The cars are around the back anyway so we make our way to them and go back to the hotel. "Okaaaay, so did you guys wanna talk before dinner? Or after? Table's booked for 8pm so you have some time". Josh looks at us both as we all walk into the suite.

Chris turns to him. "Yeah, I think that's probably good - I'll let you know when we're done".

Josh leaves us and once the door is closed the silence fills the room. Chris breaks it. "When I finished things...I hung up the phone and instantly knew that I'd made a mistake. So I cried. Hands down I'll admit that I cried - but I didn't call you back, no matter how hard I tried to press call I couldn't, because I was hurt at the same time".

"And I screwed up. I was thinking that being apart was better because it would help, but it didn't".

"We're both to blame, I think we can agree on that". Chris says as he paces the room.

I nod. "I'm sorry. I never meant for things to get the way they did. I put everything else before our relationship, but I couldn't really figure out the balance back then. Since then, I've managed to do it - well, at least work out having time for myself and coping with the job".

"I asked too much of you, and expected too much of you. I should've understood more, so I'm sorry for that". He also apologises. "It took me a while to try and get over you - didn't help that we kept running to each other now and then. I dated other girls but...they weren't you". He exhales loudly. "I still love you Cam".

My heart seems to stop at this admission. We never actually had got around to telling one another we loved each other. I didn't want to seem like we were moving fast by saying it.

"I want you to come home, back to Boston". He continues, "that's how selfish I still am. I want us to do things right, but I want you to myself. And you can tell me to fuck off or whatever, but that's how I feel".

"You want me to come back and work for you?"


My heart sinks.

"I want my girl back, not my assistant".

Fuck it. I walk up to him and kiss him hard, Chris now hoisting me up and carrying me through to the bedroom. Within minutes our clothes are everywhere and he's sinking deep inside of me, the familiar stretch around him feeling incredible as we begin to slowly move together. Savouring every thrust, every touch, we end up coming together, collapsing in a tangle of limbs.

Josh isn't surprised when we end up being late to dinner...

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