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The next year kicks off with awards shows such as the Oscars and the Academy Awards. Then there's the premieres for Gifted. I'm glad I don't go along to any of those just to watch Chris and Jenny be all lovey dovey - even if they are keeping their relationship on the down low from the press. 

I had to admit one embarrassing moment was when a pap caught Chris and I out walking Dodger the other week, with many questioning who I was and whether he was in a relationship. That must've pissed Jenny off somewhat, because she was cold as fuck to me when she  last came over. Of course some fans recognised me and immediately put rumours to rest.

That's his assistant you uncultured swines! 😂

Erm, gf?! No, that's Queen Camille bitches! 👑👑👑

           - I thought Josh was his assistant? 🤔 Never seen her before. 

           - She is his other assistant. She's literally listed as part of his management. Josh basically goes with him everywhere and she's more behind the scenes. Although she was with him a few months ago when he did some interviews on Fallon and stuff. 

Wow! She's pretty, unpopular opinion...they look really cute together! 


That was a day that Chris was feeling particularly anxious and I'd pretty much dragged him out the house to take a walk and get some air - not the best outcome but he apologised that I'd been pictured. 

I don't care, he's bound to get pictured wherever he goes and I know that he does. Now as I sit working, I can hear him cursing from the bedroom, most likely fretting again over what he needs to pack. 

"You going, or am I?" Josh asks, not bothering to look up from his laptop. 

"I'll go, if it's a guy thing then I'll call you". I tell him, getting up and heading to the bedroom where Chris is pacing. "You ok?" 

He looks at me. "Sorry, just...trying to get stuff packed and everything - it's overwhelming". 

He's like this when he needs to pack for filming. I'm used to it. "Ok, can I look and see what you have so far?" I ask and he nods. I go through his bags and then make a list on my phone of things he needs to add. Chargers, toiletries etc. "Keep that on your phone, that's what else you need to put in there". I tell him as he studies the list. 

"Ok, thanks Mils". He smiles gratefully and then begins to find what he needs. He still looks a little on edge though. 

"Let me help". I say and go to grab his charger, and some more things from the list. Soon he's all packed and I put the bags on to the floor. "Done. Now you need to go get yourself a coffee, come back in here and just chill, yeah?" 

"I'm ok". 

"No you're not. You've got yourself worked up and as far as I'm concerned it's a 4pm bedtime day, which is never good". I tell him. 

Chris eventually gives in, "Ok - thanks Mils". He says, and I go back to the office. 

"Crisis averted?" Josh asks. 

"For now - you all packed?" I ask him. 

Josh sits back in his chair. "Pretty much, you?" 

"Got everything I need as well as Dodger's stuff too. Rental house is ready to go, so we're all set. We just need Mr America to calm down a little". I smile. 

"Might be hard considering he's been in this mindset for the last week". Josh replies. "Once he's on set then she should be ok". 

Chris pokes his head around the door. "Hey, can I grab you for a second?" He asks me and I get up to follow him. He retreats to his room and I linger in the doorway. "I er...well, thanks for helping me get sorted". He starts. 

"Something's bothering you". I can tell instantly. "You've been like this all week". 

He sighs. "Jenny and I are taking a break, it's just...I dunno it's messed me up a little". 

I blink. "A break? Why?" 

"It was hard to get any privacy, go out together and stuff. I think she found it hard here she had more freedom to go out and do stuff but couldn't with me - but we argued and I guess I didn't listen like I should've. Now I'm regretting it, not taking her feelings into account and stuff". 

As much as I'd love to do a dance of joy, I won't - because he's genuinely cut up about this. 

"So that's why you've been walking about like a bear with a sore head". I say. " If she couldn't really accept or understand the lifestyle you have then that's on her. But isn't she like well known as well?" 

"She is, but not as much as I am, which is what clashed. She's funny, she's great - complete opposite of me but sometimes I guess things just don't work out the way you want them to". 

"I think you need to focus on your projects at the moment then. Not the aim of getting a girlfriend. If she cares about you like you do with her then she'll come back". 

He ponders on this. "You're probably right, but it's like, the older I get the more I think that maybe I should settle down now, or that I should've earlier.  I think after I wrap Avengers it'll be easier to do so, slow down - take projects that don't involve as much travelling and stuff". 

"Well that's your decision, you spoke to your mom about it?" 

"Kinda, I haven't really had a chance to". 

"Maybe you should, as for now? you've got a film to finish, then you can look at what you wanna do next". 

Chris is silent for a moment or two before he speaks again. "I know you weren't exactly the biggest fan of Jenny, but are you still considering leaving?" 

I swallow. "Still thinking about it". 

"Ok..." He accepts this. "Anyway I'm glad you're coming with me for filming. It'll be good having you around knowing Dodge is ok while I'm on set". 

It's certainly going to be an experience for sure.  

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