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I have to make arrangements for Dodger to stay with Lisa for the foreseeable, which she's more than happy to do. Plus he loves the attention.

Jenny fucked off home a couple of days ago, and for the benefit of everyone - I've just bit my tongue and put up with her and her subtle remarks to me. Currently we're on a plane to New York with Megan and security in tow. Chris is in a good mood, drinking the coffee I made sure to pick up for him and texting.

"Soooo, how's it going with that guy you were seeing? Leon was it?" He now sits back and asks, putting his phone down on the table that separates us both.

"Leon was ages ago - Sam was the latest". I update him. I barely talk about my private life to him, especially my boyfriends.

"Was". He says before he realises that also went to shit. "Damn, sorry - I should've checked in with you more. When did that happen?"

I stare at him coolly. "Two months ago".

"What was his excuse? Or did you do the dumping?"

He knows me well enough by now to know that it's always the guy who bolts first.

"He didn't like that fact that my job came first".

Chris shrugs. "Well it doesn't".

I shake my head. "You can't say that, because let's face it - this line of work, it does. We can have lives outside of it but it's always demanding. So I've decided that I'm just gonna focus on the job and me for a while".

"Mils, you still need to have a life, to go out and have fun".

"I tried the other night but your girl wanted me to help surprise you". I throw back a little bitterly. "So I do have a life, but sometimes it's hard to commit to, especially when plans change last minute".

He sighs. "Cam, I'm sorry I didn't even know she'd asked. Was that what you two were talking about in the study?" I nod. "Ok..." he says to him. "Alright, well, don't do it again alright? You got somewhere to be then you just say and then leave".

"It's fine. Besides now I've pretty much got Josh's half of the job to do as well as my own - my time will be taken up anyway".

He smirks. "Least you get to hang out with your most favourite person in the world".

"I know! Megan is great isn't she?" I joke as Megan looks over and smirks at us. "Love you". I tell her sweetly

"Oh fuck you Baquero". Chris laughs. "You want that raise, then tell me that I'm not your favourite person".

Yes. Fuck me any way and anywhere you want.

"You're not my favourite person". I tell him flat out. I've learnt to lie so good that he actually believes it as much as I almost do.

But you are though.

He pouts. "I'll cry".

"Seen it before, try harder Evans - you're not gonna guilt trip me that easily".

"Wait, when?" He frowns.

I grin. "You cry at everything practically - like when we watched Oliver and Company before you went off to film Cap 3".

"It's an emotional film!" He tries to justify it.

"And when I made sure you had your favourite ice cream when got back from filming, you welled up then". I point out. He was missing home while filming so I stocked the fridge with his favourite things and a shit load of beer to celebrate once he'd wrapped.

He opens his mouth but then closes it again. "Ok, yeah that was a valid reason".

"Aaaand at the Civil War wrap party? You got drunk and started crying to me about how much you'll never find anyone because of your demanding schedule that Josh and I keep so in order for you? And that your mom is probably gonna be disappointed if you don't anytime soon?"

He groans and rests his face in the palm of his hand. "Can we erase that one? I was drunk, it doesn't count".

"Believe me Chris, it counts". I grin.

"Wait, was that when you also woke me up the next morning blaring 'Rock N Roll McDonalds' on repeat?" He makes a pained face at this.

"Yep". I throw him an evil look, remembering how I'd blared it outside of his room as a form of punishment for making me deal with his drunken ass.

Chris nods to himself. "Ok, yeah I deserved that".

"Bottom line is that if you cry to try and guilt trip me? It won't work because I am basically superwoman". I sit back and tap away at my phone.

"Yeah you are". I'm sure I hear him say quietly, but don't have time to really register it as we're now about to land - Megan and I going through what's happening once we do.

We have a day of interviews tomorrow as well as appearances so it's an early wake up call. For now though, it's getting to the hotel and settled.

"Right". I say as I look around his suite later. My room adjourns with his, just in case he needs anything. "I'm just in here if you want me, for er...stuff..." I trail off. Things would be so much easier if Josh was here.

"Does 'stuff' include hanging out with me?" He asks as he watches me put my bag away. "Kinda gets lonely sometimes".

I contemplate this. "Have you spoken to Jenny today?" I'm sure that she'd probably make him feel less lonely.

"Yeah, this morning - you didn't answer my question, Baquero".

"I mean...does Josh hang out with you?"

He nods. "Pretty much, except he does a bit of running round here and there to get me what I want".

"Do you want anything now?" I ask stupidly.

When you look at me like that, I want you...

"I want my assistant and friend to hang out with me in this suite because I'm gonna be bored as hell". He grins.

There it is again. Friend.

"As long as you don't make me watch Oliver and Company" I eye him knowingly.

"Ok then, what do you wanna watch?" He asks, heading back into the living area of the suite as I follow.

I take the remote and skim through the channels, "grab the room service menu and I'll ring down and order".

"Yay, sleepover!" He claps his hands and says it in his best girly voice.

I laugh as I finally find something to watch. "Just tell me what you want Evans". Now rolling my eyes as he looks at the menu.

He gives me his order and then answers his ringing phone. "Hey Jenn..." his voice brightens as he looks to me and holds a finger up, signalling for me to give him a minute.

I just nod and go to ring down for room service in my room, his laugh echoing through the suite and making my stomach flutter because of it.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now