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I visit Chris on set most days, the lie of  'I'm bored and have come to hang out with you guys' being a reasonable excuse.

And when Josh isn't around? We steal a few moments before he comes back in.

Chris has been sneaking into my room most evenings when he's back from filming, and on his days off, we hang out with Dodger and he relaxes. Well, he decides to annoy the shit outta Josh and I while we work. I don't like keeping something like this from my friend, but at the same time everything is so brand new that I don't wanna screw it up.

Today I wasn't exactly planning on going to set, but it would appear that Chris has decided otherwise.

Chris: Come see me, Mils - and wear that little dress I like 😉

I send a picture back with me and Dodger.

Camille: nah, think I'll hang with this guy, and anyway, I'm not coming to set just to sit in your trailer and wait for your break so you can have a quick blow job.

Chris: seriously? You chose Dodger over me? You're meant to be doing your job.

Camille: I mean, technically I am 😉💀😈

Chris: that means I've gotta wait until tonight

Camille: you've survived before, back when I was at yours and you were away.

Chris: how the fuck I did that, I don't know. Come on, come to set 🥺

Camille: you have Josh!

Chris: I think you'll find that Josh can't exactly give me what I'm wanting 😂

I mean, we did have a quick fuck during a break last week, and boy was it exciting - especially as he was wearing the suit...

Camille: but if you hold out until tonight then it'll be a little more explosive

Chris: fine, be a cock tease

Camille: you'd hate it if I wasn't. Who knows? You might come back to a little surprise...

Chris: I'm listening...

Camille: better keep your phone away from Josh for the next hour, I'll send you a preview.

I get up and head to my room, stripping down to my underwear and then sending him a few pictures.

Chris: I want you waiting in my room, on my bed, wearing that when I get back...

Camille: yes Captain 🫡

It's a little hard to continue to work for the rest of the day, and by the time the evenings rolls around, I can't wait to actually see him when he gets back. I head upstairs as Dodger is already asleep in his bed, down to Chris's room to wait for him. It's not long before I hear him and Josh downstairs and then footsteps. 

The door opens and he walks in, then giving me a feral look before putting a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet. That's gonna be a little hard considering I know he's about to do the dirtiest things to me. 

"Night!" He calls to Josh who calls back the same. 

Then the door closes...

"C'mere Mils..." He beckons me to him and I shake my head. "You wanted me on your bed when you got back, so here I am - you come here". 

He doesn't waste a moment longer in walking over and pushes me back down against the mattress, lips on mine, hands roaming. "You're a naughty girl for making me wait all day for this..." 

"You might get to tell me what to do, but not all the time - anyway, you don't want any distractions on set". 

"I want all the distractions from you". He mutters and we begin to shed clothes

"Oh by the way I just - OH MY FUCKING GOD". We jump apart as now we see Josh at the door looking traumatised at the scene in front of him. "Ok, I didn't see anything, I'm just gonna go wash my eyeballs out, go to bed and pretend this whole thing didn't happen..." He throws his hands up and backs away. 

I sit up and curse inside as Chris gets off me and looks at his friend. "I mean, you could've knocked". 

"But I didn't did I? Because I thought you were in here alone". Josh says and looks back and forth at us both. "So how long's this been happening? Because I'm guessing that it's most likely a while - considering you've both been eye sexing each other for the last year". 

"We haven't been 'eye sexing'" Chris huffs

"Yes you damn well have! Don't think I haven't seen the way you look at Camille when she's not looking, and at the Christmas party? You were gagged. Anyway you've both been reeking of sexual tension since the moment she was hired so I'm surprised it's not happened sooner..." He looks to me. "I knew you liked him a lot judging by how you got when he would bring his girlfriends home..." 

I shrug. "I was being protective. Not my fault he chose a lot of wrong-uns". 

Chris snorts at this and then turns to Josh. "We were gonna tell you, it's only really just happened these last few weeks - we were waiting to see where it could go and stuff". 

"So I'm guessing that you're staying then?" Josh says to me. 

"Yeah. Guess so". 

"Good, but you do realise that if this goes wrong then I'm not taking any sides. I'm happy for you both, I am - but if it does happen that you guys call it quits? You need to work through it yourselves". He backs out of the door. "Right, now that's done, I'm gonna head to bed and perhaps order some ear plugs". 

I roll my eyes. "Seriously?" 

"He's got a 4am wake up call - can you at least be sure that he gets up for it". 

"I'm sure I can manage that easily". I shoot a look to Chris who is grinning. 

"Goodnight!" Josh is so done with this and leaves us to it. 

Chris shuts the door again. "Ok, so that was a cock block..." 

I grab him and kiss him once more. "And it will be even more if you don't take me to bed now". 

Scooping me up, he turns off the light and carries me to bed - how he's able to make his 4am wake up call the next morning I don't know, because when I wake up he's gone - but has sent me a text. 

Chris: Dinner later? I'll be back around 8? 

Camille: Ok, I'll get some things in

Chris: I wanna take you out, Camille

Camille: What about press? 

Chris: Fuck them, we need to have a life too. I'll get Josh to make a reservation. 

Camille: Ok, see you tonight

If the paps are called, then I guess I'm gonna have to be prepared for whatever comes our way. Good or bad. 

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