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Omg have you guys seen the pic going round of the Avengers wrap party?! Chris has his arm around Camille! 
               - He has his arm around Josh too in some pics,  and I think in one RDJ's kissing his cheek, don't mean to say they're dating lol! 😂😂😂

               - He's not dating Camille, it's already been debunked. 

               - She posts a lot of Dodger content though, and she always seems to be at his house. She posted a pic the other day and that's 100% his kitchen.

              - Because that's her role 😂 She said ages ago that when he's away she house-sits and does other stuff for him that doesn't involve having to travel and be on set. She also looks after Dodger now. You guys need to stop over analysing shit. 

             - I think they'd be good together. Something about the way they are when he uploads a scare video, it's like they're reeeeal close 😉

             - He's single, he's already said that. Plus I don't think he'd be dating his assistant. Seems to me that he's still doesn't seem like he wants to settle down and be serious yet. The only reason they may seem close is because they're friends and like Josh, she's usually invited to family stuff.


Some of the conversations that I see on my Instagram, and Chris's for that matter, are hilarious. There's a lot of rumours currently, especially now the picture from the wrap party has been posted somewhere - not by me. Now I've started working for Scarlett, there's more talk. 

Do you not work for Chris anymore?! 

Camille, it's been ages since we had Dodger content 

Anyone noticed that she posts a lot of pics with Scarlett now? I don't think she works for Chris anymore!
           - Maybe they broke up...
           - They weren't even dating, geez just coz she's got a new job it doesn't mean to say that her and Chris aren't friends anymore etc. 

She's not posted stuff for ages with Dodger and it looks like she lives somewhere else now, so it's clear she's working for Scarlett. 

Bit weird that the pics from TMZ came out and then suddenly we don't see her uploading Dodger and her usual stuff. So maybe they were dating and it just finished? That's the only explanation. 

She's working for Scarlett now. Someone leaked on Tumblr that she's been her assistant for a few months now. Apparently she's still friends with Chris too, plus he still follows her on Instagram. 

Talk about armchair detectives. 

I wasn't able to get back to Boston to spend Thanksgiving with Chris, but I managed Christmas. It was nice to wake up in the familiarity of his house, his bed. I've missed him a lot and we've rarely had time to spend with one another. We've spoken everyday though, through messages and facetime. 

I've headed back to New York and promised him that I'd be there for the NYE party that Lisa is throwing, however now with a few things coming up on the agenda, it's gonna be tight. From meetings to appearances, I'm busier than ever - so now I have to break the news that I'm not going to be able to see the New Year in with my boyfriend. 

New Years Eve is tomorrow, and he's expecting me to arrive today...

I press his number and wait, then hearing him answer brightly. "Hey you, when you getting in?" 

"I'm not gonna be able to make it, we've literally got a tight schedule for the next few months and it would mean I'd need to get back here on New Years Day, I can't risk it". 

"Oh, right..." He says and I know he's a mixture of disappointed and pissed. "But I thought you and Scar had worked it out?" 

"We had, but now some flights have had to be changed and it's screwed us all up". I tell him. "I'm so sorry, I know I said I'd be there but I can't". 

"Right...ok, well...it happens". Is all he says, but I can still sense he's not happy. "So when are you gonna be able to get back next?" 

I leaf through the diary. "I'll have to take a good look and let you know, but tomorrow I'll facetime you at midnight yeah? So I can still be with you to say Happy New Year at least". 

Still this doesn't sound enough to cheer him up. "Yeah, cool - I'll be waiting". 


"I know, I know - anyway Scarlett's got a lot coming up. But this is another thing you can't get to. Christmas was cutting it fine, but you missed Thanksgiving and Halloween too". He sighs. 

I swallow. "I know...it sucks, but things are busy currently. I'm really trying to juggle everything, her schedule is packed". 

"I know. I just miss you that's all". 

Yeah, he's totally not happy about this and I feel shit that I've said to him I'd make those times and haven't been able to. This is another to add to the ever growing list of disappointments from me. 

"And I miss you too, we knew what this was going to be like and it's for six months. I can decide what I wanna do after that. I don't have to stay, even you know that. I'm helping her out and I'm also helping us out by keeping our work and relationship separate. That was the point". 

"I need to go help Mom with a couple of things so we'll talk later". He says

"Yeah, ok - we'll facetime"

"Cool, talk then". He says and we ring off. 

I sigh and run my hands down my face. I knew he probably wouldn't take it well this time. The last couple of times he's been fine and accepting but this? He's pissed and it's clear from his tone, even if he's trying to not show it. 

I go back to working, heading out to pick up a few things that Scarlett's asked if I could grab for her, and sending some emails. I don't realise the time until I glance at my phone and see that I've missed Chris's facetime later on in the early evening.


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