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When I'm happy, I smile.

When I'm sad, I smile even harder.

I am a professional and sometimes all you have to do is smile through the rain - with or without an umbrella. I do so for the next month that I have to put up with seeing Jenny as a regular guest in Chris's home.

Christmas has hit and I'm thankful for the time off that I have coming up.

Currently Josh and I are having a whale of a time in the office, blasting out 'Feliz Navidad' and bobbing from side to side in sync with one another. We're dressed in the ugliest Christmas jumpers we could find and are sporting reindeer antlers and the most Elton John style glasses - much that when Chris comes to see us and we turn to him, he cracks up laughing. Thankfully Jenny hasn't been here this week so it's been pleasant.

"Hold on, let me get this and send it to Mom and Scott". He says, still chuckling and then putting the phone in his pocket. "Tell me that this is what you're wearing to the party tonight?"

He's having a Christmas party for friends and family, so naturally Josh and I are going. We're only working half day anyway.

"I mean, we aim to please". Josh smirks.

"No". I now tell him. "I have my outfit all sorted, I'm not rocking up as Elton John for Evans entertainment".

I already make enough of an idiot of myself anyway without the fancy dress. Dodger pads in sporting a Christmas jumper which he doesn't look impressed with. "Oh my god, look at you!" I beckon him over and make a fuss of him.

"How come he gets all the attention and yet you don't make a fuss of me in a Christmas jumper?" Chris smirks.

"Because he's cuter - sorry".

"Valid point". He shrugs and crouches down. "Come on, let's go to the dog park".

At this, Dodger blinds over to him in excitement , jumping up and circling him. "Ok, ok - not for long though m, it's cold as hell out there". He says and goes to grab his coat.

Once he's gone, Josh and I look at one another. "You got the stuff?" He asks as I whip out a box from under my desk and show him the self made decorations with Chris's face on them, complete with a fairy and his face on that to go on top. "Now that's dedication".

"When you give me an assignment, I understand it, now let's get this on the tree before he gets back".

By the time he returns, we'll have gone and he's going to walk on to a literal CHRISmas tree. No doubt he'll be questioning us later. Once we're done we take a step back to admire our handiwork, get a couple of pictures (this is going on Instagram later) and then made a quick getaway. An hour later I get a FaceTime request and answer with a smirk.

"What the fuck!" Chris says as the tree now shows up on screen. "Why have you put my face on the fairy?!"

"Why not? Merry Christmas!" I answer him cheerfully.

"You do realise that you just started a war, Baquero". He tells me smoothly, handsome face now coming onto the screen. I try not to melt.

I just shrug it off though. "What kind of war?"

"That's for me to decide, anyway what time you getting here later?"

I'm also thankful the girlfriend will not be in attendance - hence why I said yes to going to the park tonight. "Seven, just like everyone else".

He nods at this. "Ok, cool - guess I'll see you then".

"And don't you dare destroy my masterpiece of a tree", I threaten. "Because then it really is war".

"Bring it on, Baquero". He counters with a grin and then hangs up.

I still better be getting that raise this year. I deserve it.


Chris's house is busy when I arrive, letting myself in and seeing Lisa who notices me straight away. "Hello!" She grins as she comes over and embraces me. "Look at you! I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Too busy trying to keep your son in line". I smirk and then say hello to Chris's sisters who have also come over.

"Hopefully he's not giving you hell".

You have no idea...

Before I can say anything else, I'm attacked by Scott who all but ambushes me and congratulates me on my tree decorating skills.

I haven't seen Chris yet...

Saying the occasional 'hi' to some of his friends, I linger until I spot him laughing with a group of people, but then he turns and sees me, coming over to say hello.

"You scrub up well, Baquero". He gives me a hug. Geez he smells so good.

And you always look fuckable.

"Likewise, I'm surprised you're not drunk yet".

"Give it time!" Scott says as he walks past.

"Shut up!" Chris calls back at him and then turns back to me. I can feel his gaze just simmering away on my skin. "You want a drink?"

I decline the offer, knowing that once the wine hits then I'll be worse. "I'm ok for now, Josh here yet?"

"He'll be here soon". He says as Scott comes back to join us and then clears his throat. "What?" Chris asks.

"Oh nothing...just, erm..." he uses his beer bottle to point above us where there's mistletoe hanging.

I look from it to Chris, now feeling that I really need that drink. "You have a girlfriend, it's ok - you get a free pass to not kiss anyone under it today". I tell him as he just looks at me in a way I can't quite read. "I think I'll have that drink actually". I say quietly and walk off to find a bottle of wine to open. I'm pretty sure that I can still feel him watching me though, and I keep to talking to his mom and a few other people in the kitchen for the majority of the night.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now