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I hear the door close from downstairs and talking later that evening, knowing instantly that Chris and Josh are back. Dodger only confirms this as he becomes excited and races from where he was lying on my bedroom floor, down to greet them. 

All the while, my tummy is doing flips. 

I quickly make sure that I don't resemble a dumpster fire and then hear Chris saying goodnight to Josh from down the hall, then appearing in my doorway. "Hi". 

I bite my lip from behind my book and then put it down. "Hey, how was the rest of filming". 

"Uneventful, and on top of that I came back to an empty trailer". He eyes me and now crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe. 

"If it was after five then I did warn you that I'd be bringing Dodge back then". 

He looks over his shoulder and then back at me. "I need to hit the shower, you gonna be awake much longer? Like I said earlier, we need to talk". 

I nod. "Sure"

"See you in a bit". He says and makes his way to his room, however he soon comes back into mine and closes the door. "Fuck it", is all he says before walking over and pressing his lips against mine, covering my body with his. "Sorry Mils but I've wanted to do this for ages". He admits as he pulls away. "What happened between us earlier..." 

"I know". I nod, and then decide to come clean, "Because I've wanted it too".

His lips continue to savour mine. "Don't go". He murmurs in between kisses. "Please...don't leave". 

How can I now? 

I pull away and look at him. "How long?" I ask, and then realise he could thinking I'm asking about the length of his dick or something. "How long have you felt like this?" 

"Since I wanted to kiss you under that mistletoe at Christmas, that was when I really knew - but I think I've liked you ever since I met you. I just didn't know whether you felt the same and I also didn't wanna fuck up what we already had". 

He's liked me for that long? 

"If it's any consolation. I liked you from the moment we met, But as your employee I couldn't exactly show it - especially when you could have any girl you wanted and were bringing them home". 

Chris stops. "To be honest, you were partly the reason Jenny and I took a break. She didn't like the fact that you were around and even asked me why I had a female assistant instead of another guy". 

"She was threatened by me?"

"Yeah, probably because she saw how well we get along, how close we are - and we have to be. Kinda part of the criteria of a personal assistant". He explains. "If Josh hadn't been there today? Nothing would've stopped me from fucking you in that trailer". 

"Believe me I wouldn't have stopped you". I glance to the door. "Josh in his room?"


I look back at him. "You know you said I'd have you begging?" The feral look that crosses his expression is confirmation enough. "I wanna hear it". 

He pushes me back against the mattress, lips on my body as well as his hands that are roaming. "Please take it all off for me..." He murmurs. 

"Just as well my panties are already". I say bringing my lips to his and then guiding his hand down under the waistband of my PJ shorts. 

"I always thought you were a naughty girl, Baquero. all those other guys? they didn't appreciate you" Two fingers now slide inside of me, beginning to pump away as I start to grind against his hand. "Let me make up for all that". His kiss trails down my neck as I cling to him, feeling an orgasm rising already. "That's it, god you're gonna look just as pretty as I imagined you'd be when you come". 

"Not yet..." I almost plead, knowing that if he carries on like this then I'm going to be anything but quiet. "I need you inside of me". 

He groans a little on hearing this. "Fuuuuck, the way you just said that". He withdraws his fingers and and then we shed our clothes, falling back on the bed while he settles between my legs, already hard. "This is how you've been making me Baquero, you and those sundresses of yours, these beautiful thighs? I've wanted them around my damn neck for months". 

I have no idea what overcomes me, but it's almost animalistic to say the least, now pretty much flipping him under me, before I slowly sink down onto his cock, causing us both to moan out a little at the first feel of us connecting. I have to take it slowly as he stretches me around him, but soon he's deep within me and I slowly begin to move my hips against him. "You're bigger than I expected". 

"Well that's your doing, am I hurting you?" 

"No..." I quickly shake my head. "No, you could never". 

His hands keep me steady upon him as he thrusts up inside of me more, working his way deeper, harder, my clit throbbing madly until I can feel myself at the edge again, and this time it's pretty much full throttle. 

"Come on Cam, come all over me - show me just how hard you can soak me and those beautiful thighs of yours". 

I come moaning his name quietly on my lips. My whole body alight with the heat and electric pleasure  we've built up between us. He soon follows, filling me until he spills out, our thrusts slowing until we've both come down from the high we're on. I don't move from him for a moment, then slowly lifting myself from his cock and instantly feeling the emptiness of where he'd made me feel full. 

As I lie beside him, he leans over me, taking my face in his hands and kissing me deeply once more, tongues dancing together while we continue to explore and savour one another. 

"Camille...I'm gonna need you to come to set a lot from now on..." 

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now