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"How does it feel to be dating the world's sexiest man?" I'm woken up to kisses trailing down my back as the summer breeze of Boston rolls on through the windows of the bedroom.

Damn, this is nice.

I don't open my eyes but just smile. "Your ego doesn't need to get any bigger Evans..."

"No, but something else does". He now whispers into my ear and I roll onto my back under him. "Good morning".

"Morning". I smirk, "and no you're not getting sex, world's sexiest man or not".  I say, now sliding out and manoeuvring myself from the bed. Lisa is loving every moment of her son being presented this title by People magazine, and Chris's friends are just ribbing him for it.

In fact Josh and I made a banner for him when he took Dodger on a walk, and so he came back to 'Welcome Home Worlds Sexiest Man' and a load of party poppers. Now he tries to use it to his advantage, although not this morning.

"Now that's just mean" Chris says, getting up and following me into the bathroom.

"So is teasing me and making me wait to come last night, Christopher, you're getting nothing from me today". I smile sweetly and then get into the shower.

Of course he strips off and follows. "Am I not?" He kisses my shoulder, and I can already feel him growing hard against me.

"You're lucky I can even stand - I can't sit considering you all but destroyed my ass last night". I tell him, still not giving into his advances.

"But this ass is one your best parts..." he whispers to me again and gives it a squeeze. "Can't I just put it on a little bit?"

I turn the shower to the cold setting so it hits him. "Nope".

In return he takes me and backs me up against the tile, pinning my wrists above my head and then bringing his mouth to mine. "Tease".

"Mmmmm, indeed". I look at him challengingly.

He unpins me and we shower together instead, then heading downstairs for breakfast.

This is kind of my life now, except I haven't really learnt to fully let go of the assistant side of me. So Chris compromised. I take care of the household stuff and Dodger when he's away like I used to, but that's as far as it goes. No more booking hotels, travel and whatnot. Josh doesn't mind the extra couple of things as he used to do everything anyway. As for when Chris is home? Well, it's simply us doing what every couple does. Enjoying one another's company, seeing family, taking Dodge out. Life has slowed down for me but in a good way - I just didn't know how much I needed it.

"Didn't know you were here". I say as I see Josh in the office.

He looks up. "Yeah, just need to go over some stuff with Chris".

"I'll go get him". I say and find him making coffee. "Josh is here by the way?"

"Ah great - I'll go talk to him now".

I frown. "Everything ok?"

He nods. "Yeah, all good - I'll see you in a bit", and then he disappears off to the office.

I let Dodger out and go sit by the pool, occasionally throwing his ball to him until Chris comes out finally. "Sorted?" I ask with some concern.

"Yep, all good - just going over a few things. Schedule and stuff".

I hate not being in the know as much anymore. "So what's on the agenda for next year then?" I ask.

"Nothing". He says.

I sip my coffee. "Nothing?".

He shakes his head. "Taking a year off. This one's been busy and I guess I just wanna spend time with my family, and fiancée..."

I don't have time to take into account what is going on. My head spins as he's now getting down on one knee and producing a ring from his pocket. "Cam...I know things are still in the early days of being back on track - but I'd have done this anyway if we hadn't split before..."

Oh my god.

"Will you marry me?"

And just like that he brings me to tears in the best possible way. "Yes". I manage to finally give him an answer and he slips the ring onto my finger.

It's the perfect fit...

"If anything I was hoping to actually marry you by next year".

"I hope you didn't turn any projects down because of me?"

He smiles and kisses me. "I did, and I'm not exactly gonna regret it - not when the most important and only project next year is gonna be marrying my girl".

"Was Josh in on this?"

"Pretty much. I've been talking to him about this since we came back from London". Chris admits.

London?! That was a few months ago.

"I didn't know if you'd say yes, we talked a lot about it, and then yesterday I sent him out to get the ring I'd seen for you".

Sneaky bastard. Josh is at the doors now. "Did she shoot you down?" He calls in jest.

"Thankfully no!" Chris yells back at him. "She said yes!"

"I'll get the champagne". He says, then popping open a bottle a couple of minutes later.

I shake my head. "It's 9am!"

Josh snorts. "Like that's ever stopped us before".

Ah yes. Because a good few years ago and in our hungover states, we had the genius idea of drinking more to cure the hangover from a party we'd attended the night before. Champagne was the only option we could find.

Not good.

Josh passes us both some glasses and then pours himself one. "To you both finally getting your fucking act together. Congratulations".

He couldn't have said it better, even if he tried.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now