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By the time I wake up most days, Chris and Josh have gone as wake up calls are usually 4-5am, so Dodgers and I have breakfast, go for a walk and then I get down to work until Chris is back later. No night shoots have taken place yet but there's one coming up in a couple of weeks.

I get a FaceTime around lunchtime from Chris and open it. "Helloooooo Captain". I smirk, as his face comes onto the screen. "You look like the vampire dad from Twilight" with his hairstyle and stuff, he really does.

"That's not the look they were going for". He narrows his eyes.

"You still look cute anyway". I say without thinking and then realise what I've said. "Y'know, Steve Rogers is...and...yeah so here's Dodger!" I pan the screen to where Dodger is lying at my feet loving life.

"Dodge! Hey Dodge!" He yells through the screen and I get down to Dodger's level.

"Look, it's daddy, say hi". I tell him

"Daddy eh?" I hear Chris now say.


I ignore this the best that I can and just keep the camera on Dodger for a while. "Camille, he's asleep so can we not have a conversation where I can't see you?" He asks.

"I didn't mean to say Daddy". I explain, still keeping the camera not on me. "Just...slipped out".

"I mean I'm not complaining, that happens to me too".

For fuck sake. There's a double meaning if I ever heard one.

"I'm not calling you daddy, Evans - so if you think I'm gonna then you're wrong". He laughs and I prop the phone up as I work, changing the subject. "Reset or lunch?" 

He's rested back so I'm guessing lunch, and I'm right. "So what are you doing?" He asks me. Even now his stare through the phone feels intense. 

"Paying your bills and responding to your emails" I reply, "taken Dodge out for a walk before breakfast. What time you finishing later?"

"Gonna be around 9pm - that's if all goes to plan". He says, "when you coming to set to see me?"

"I see enough of you already".

"Well...not that kinda enough..."

"Chris!" I stare at him in disbelief. "Josh better not be hearing all this?"

"I am!" Comes a very bemused voice in the background and I want to die. As if he just said that right when his assistant is there with him. 

"Can you muzzle him or something?" I now ask to Josh in particular.

"I think it would be beneficial in the long run! But at the moment? No can do".  He calls out apologetically.

Chris now pouts at me through the screen. "You didn't answer my question, when you coming to set?"

"When I have a spare five minutes". I reply. "Sorting your shit and schedule is a very demanding process".

"And I am demanding you come to set". Chris replies with a grin.

I see Josh's shadow cross the screen as he announces he's gonna get them another drink, and then he leaves the trailer. "I can't believe you said that in front of him".

He's not bothered one bit. "He's heard worse".

"Yeah, but in those situations you're drunk a majority of the time". I point out. 

He shifts himself into a more comfortable position. "Drunk or not, that's not the point and still you haven't even answered my question!" 

"If I say yes then will you shut up about it?" I ask him, still trying to concentrate on this stupid email but finding that I'm getting nowhere. 


"Urgh! Ok, I'll come to your stupid movie set to look at your stupid face". I give in. 

He looks triumphant. "See? Can't say no to this stupid face - come tomorrow and bring Dodge, there's coffee on tap and you get to hang out in this really cool traileeeeeer..." He pans the camera round to show me. 

"I've already told you yes, so I will be there ok?"

"I'll let them know you're coming and grab you a pass". He tells me, now putting the camera back on himself. "I'll see you when I'm back later?" 

I nod. "Yeah, sure. When you back on set?" 

He checks the time. "About half an hour". 

"Ok cool, I guess I'll see you tonight". 

"Guess you will". He smiles and there's a moment of silence that passes between us. 

"You gonna ring off oooooor..." I now ask. 

He frowns. "I thought you would?" 

"I don't wanna be the one to put the phone down if the conversation hasn't ended. Has it?" 

"I think so?" 

"Ok, so hang up then". 

He makes a face. "I don't wanna be the one to hang up on you, I'd feel bad". 

I face palm. "So you're gonna make me hang up first then?" 


"Ok, ok...you put the phone down first and then I will". He suggests.

"That's the same thing, Chris". 

"Not if I know it's you who will do it first, then I'll feel better about it". 

I sink down in my chair a little more. "I cannot believe I'm having this conversation with you. Ok, I'm gonna hang up because I need to get on with work and you need to go make a film, so I'll see you later". His laugh is all I hear as I end the call and then slam my head down onto the desk. It's enough for Dodger to now look up with concern. "Sorry boy, go back to sleep". I look up and tell him, "Your dad's being frustrating again as usual, but on the bright side, you get to go to set tomorrow!" I tell him. 

He doesn't give a shit, and just yawns and falls right back to sleep again. 

Dodger may not show too much excitement about going to set to see Chris, but part of me is both nervous and excited to see just what is in store. 

It's more than I ever expect...

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now