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I get into London around 6 in the morning and go straight to the hotel. Josh was kind enough to book me a room so I check in and go straight up, knowing that Chris is already up and getting ready for his early morning TV appearances.

I change from my airport clothes, take a shower and eat (only just, if I'm honest I'm too nervous) before he messages me asking if I'm here.

Here now. Is the birthday boy done?

Josh: Yeah, he's got one more interview then lunch. Did you wanna have a nap and then come see him this afternoon? He's not due on the carpet until about 6pm?

Ok, sounds fine. Is he in a good mood?

Josh: He's ok.

Emergency survival kit? Birthday edition? I text knowing that with Chris, things like this can put him a little on edge. The kit I used to have on hand before this kinda thing was simply a takeout coffee (I'd make him drink it before), some energy tablets, a stress ball, and a beaded bracelet that is mine.

Josh: Yeah I think that'll do the trick.

I wear the bracelet every day so I put it in the bag, head out into the city for the afternoon to buy energy tablets and a stress ball, before stopping in Starbucks to get Chris's usual order as well as a cupcake. Last thing on my list is a birthday balloon, and then I'm back at the hotel hoping that he doesn't just take one look at me and tell me to leave.

Josh had given me the heads up that they were going to have dinner later, so I've brought an outfit, just in case things change to plan B, which is surprising him then. I know it'll probably stay in the bag though. It's a light blue corseted jumpsuit, except the bodice on the corset is lace. A gold chain criss-crosses at the back to keep it extra supported so at least I have no fear of boobs falling out everywhere - but I chose the colour purely because the Lightyear aesthetic is blue.

I don't know who I'm trying to impress really, because even if Josh has said that Chris has been a miserable bastard, I know that the chances of us reuniting that way again are slim.

Maybe it was a mistake to come here.

Too late to turn back now, because Josh is texting me and giving me the go ahead to come to Chris's suite anytime from now, so I quickly check my my makeup and hair, grabbing the balloon and other things before going to his floor.

Knocking on the door, security opens it and gives me the nod, Josh now coming out and seeing me. "Heeey, glad you could make it, you look good..." he says and hugs me, being careful not to make me drop the coffee and other stuff. He takes the survival kit and coffee then, allowing me to cold the balloon and cupcake while he goes back into Chris.

"Who was that?" I hear his voice and immediately the nerves rise.

"Had your birthday present delivered from moi - this is just half". Josh says and then there's a pause.

The laugh Chris lets out is infectious but half hearted at the same time. "Survival kit...I totally needed this". Another pause. "How'd you get her bracelet?"

"Why don't you ask her that?" Josh says and I know that's my cue to walk in, so I do, rounding the corner into the main area of the suite and give him a little wave.

"Happy birthday old man".

His face changes. "Mils?"

"Couldn't miss the big one could I? Josh called and asked if I could come out here, so I moved some things around - got you a stupid cupcake because that's all they really had in Starbucks". I say, giving him the bag and balloon.

He looks so fucking good. Better than me at least - and he thought that I was the one coping better? Wrong. The gray is showing in his beard which is making him ten times hotter. His outfit for the premiere?


He now hugs me tightly, burying his face into my neck. "I've missed you, Baquero".

"Missed you too". I tell him quietly. "I didn't wanna let you down again, not on your birthday".

"That doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're here". He tells me, lips planting a soft kiss against my temple before he turns to Josh. "Thanks man".

He just shrugs. "Didn't want you miserable on your birthday".

"Are you coming to the premiere?" Chris now asks me.

"My plan was just to wait until you got back and...well I don't know. I guess it depended on how you reacted to me being here. If you didn't want to see me then I guess I would have left by now to go to my room and fly out tomorrow". I tell him, "I hadn't really thought this far ahead".

He turns to Josh who just gives him a nod. "Come to the premiere". Chris now says.

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"But it's my birthday?" He pouts and I roll my eyes.

"You can't guilt trip me with that, it's not fair".'

He shrugs. "It worked though".

"Anyway you can see me when you get back. Josh said you weren't staying anyway".

"Please?" Is all Chris asks again. "Then after we should talk. I feel like we need to, well, I know I do".

I nod. "Yeah, me too..." then finally give in. "When are you leaving?"

Josh checks his watch. "Half hour".

"Fine. I'll come with you to the premiere, then when we get back - we can talk". I tell Chris.

"I was soooo looking forward to our dinner date". Josh smirks at this. "This mean I gotta cancel the reservation?"

Chris shakes his head. "No, we can still do dinner. But after that? We really need to talk". He says as he turns back to me.

I'd best go get that jumpsuit out from my bag then.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now