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I have the music up loud the next morning when Chris does arrive back, and as much as it wasn't my intention to let him find me practically head banging to the Vengaboys while sorting through some of his payments I need to make, unfortunately he does.

"Nice head action going on there". He smirks, making me jump and quickly turn off the music. I can't help but notice just how big his arms are as he leans against the doorway with them crossed.

Stop looking Cam.

"I could make such a filthy comeback at that, but I won't". I warn him with a smirk and then look for the newest member of the clan. "So...where's Mr Dodger then?"

He beckons me to follow him so I do, now seeing the cutest dog sniffing around the living room and also dragging along a toy lion. "Ok, I think I just fell in love". I exclaim and get down on the floor so as he can come and sniff me. He's cautious at first but soon warms up to me. "Just like dad - loves the female attention". I ruffle his fur as Chris laughs.

"Quiet you, how's everything been anyway?" He asks, pretending to look around as though he expects me to have burnt the house down or something.

"The house is still standing isn't it?"

He grins. "You know I'm messing, I trust you with my life considering you're the one that's practically sorting it all out for me".

"This mean I get a raise for dealing with the unwanted panties? A fresh batch came in the fan mail by the way". I tell him as he makes a face.

"I'll make sure your Christmas bonus is a good one".

Please, yes do. I love a Christmas boner - I mean bonus!

"Least I get to hang out with this one when you film - unless you're taking him with you?" I enquire. He's got quite a few projects coming up - one of them being the last Avenger film. It's a lot of travelling especially for a dog.

"Might take him at some point. I wanna get him settled first - got some time off to do so thankfully". He looks tired, it's clear on his face.

I get up. "Why don't you go and take a nap. I've got everything you asked for Dodger, oh, and the lead for your new girlfriend". I can't help but slyly put in. He doesn't take offence as he knows my humour. His chuckle is tired though

"Veeeery funny". He drawls out. "Thanks for getting all that by the way, how much do I owe you?"

I brush it off. "Just add it onto my bonus", and then whistle for Dodger to follow me to the kitchen so he can be fed. "So...what's your girlfriend like?"

Am I gonna be dealing with her panties if she stays here anytime soon? I make a mental note to buy ear plugs in preparation for the worst if she turns up.

"She's cool, I think you guys will get along. She does with Josh".

Yeah, but Josh gets to go be all cool on set with you and not have to be stuck in your house. At least he's familiar with her. Me however? I feel rather protective and have done everything since Chris told me about Ginny or whatever her name is. Jenny, that's it. I did my own digging on her.

"Do I get to meet her?" I try not to sound as hostile as I feel right now, but also try to convince him that I'm interested at the same time.

He nods. "She's gonna be staying here soon, just got a few things to do before she arrives".

Let's just hope she is inundated with so many projects that she has no time to see you. Don't be a bitch Cam, at least try and be happy for him. You're his employee - you get his dry cleaning, book his flights and deal with the fan panties. He's so far above you that you're reaching waaaaaaay too high.

Yeah but you know Chris. He doesn't care about the fame, you've seen how he gets before a premiere...

I realise that I've been having an inner battle with myself for too long that I don't even register Chris talking to me until he pulls me out of my own thoughts. "Camille?"


"I asked when you wanted to have dinner - could be tonight if you've not got plans". He looks at me a little concerned. "You sure you're ok?"

I nod. "I'm good, just going down my to do list in my head".

And in my state of wishful thinking, you're the only thing on it.

"Well take a break from whatever you were doing when I got back, and just have a coffee or something. In fact, I'm gonna have one right now".

"As opposed to a beer". I smirk, knowing that this man is up at all hours of the night either because it was a late night drinking session, or because of insomnia.

He shakes his head. "I'm not that bad - come on, I'll make the coffee while you feed Dodge". He says and heads over to the machine. "Gotta admit, I couldn't wait to get home".

"Wasn't as gruelling as the Avengers though was it". This filming schedule was short actually - wrapping after just a month. It's still weeks away from home though, and I know that given the chance, Chris would've rather been here if he had the chance to go back and forth.

"Nah, gotta gear myself up for that soon".

Then I get to see pictures Josh will send me from behind the scenes as well as video call them. They're meant to be for business but it soon ends up turning into banter. "The big one". I mimic Sid from Toy Story in response.

"We still talking about the film?" He casts a cheeky look my way.

"Clearly you're not". I reply smoothly as he passes me my coffee, and take a sip. I actually do need this. "So anyway, yeah - dinner tonight is fine if you're not about to pass out from exhaustion on me".

He nods at this, bending down to scratch behind Dodger's ears.

Don't check out his ass, don't check out his ass, don't check out his ass...

I refrain from behind a pervert and look away.

"Ok, cool - I'll, er, come give you a knock on the door..." he says, turning a little awkward, "you know...fist...knocking...that sounded a lot better in my head".

I look at him from over the rim of my coffee cup as I take a sip. We make innuendos around one another all the time and know it's harmless, yet he seems to have taken that comment of his seriously.

"I know, see you later on - go take a nap as well". I pay his arm as I walk out and call back to him.

"Yes ma!" He calls back, but after I hear him laugh softly to himself - and that's something I can't get out of my head for the rest of the day.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now