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That's it.

The Avengers films have officially finished (well with this cast anyway), and now I find myself getting ready for the wrap party that's been organised by RDJ. Josh is also going - another perk of the job. For one evening we don't get to be assistants, but also nobody knows about Chris and I.

Seems like after tonight they might.

I opt for the classic LBD. I don't want to overdress, but I don't want to underdress either. It's a problem I've always had with the one's that I've been to so far. Chris and Scarlett are always the last ones on the dancefloor and always the most drunk - needless to say that I could be helping to carry him out again.

Chris has gone on ahead to the party while Josh and I go together. Downey's gone to town with this party, and the place is heaving with cast and crew. "There he is, already on the beer". Josh scans the place and soon finds Chris with Scarlett and Hemsworth.

"Hey, we're not responsible for his actions tonight". I throw my hands up as Chris now sees me and then says something to Scarlett and Hemsworth as Josh and O come over.

"Long time no see". I say to Scarlett who gives me a hug. (I've literally seen her loads these last few months)

"Check you out, meow". She winks, "looks like Evans can't stop ogling either".

She's right. Chris is making no secret of checking me out. I just smile sweetly at him but know it's gonna kill him not to be able to be as public with me as he'd like to be tonight.

"So what's the deal with you two anyway?"

"Like he hasn't told you". I eye her knowingly. The pair are close and have been for years.

She makes a face. "Ok fine, he told me".

"Knew it". I roll my eyes and sit down with her in a booth. "Seems he can't keep his mouth shut".

"Not when it comes to you".

I smirk as Chris now comes over and then look up at him. "Hey you". He smiles.


Scarlett just looks at us. "You guys wanna get a room? Leave early? I'll make your excuses".

"We're good, Chris is just gonna have to control himself for tonight, considering he can't any other time".

"You're pushing it Baquero".

Damn. The way he's looking at me just makes me wanna bend over the table so he can have me here for everyone to see.

He slides into the booth and rests his arm behind me. "Scarlett was just telling me her assistant is leaving". Chris now tells me.

"Oh really? She's been with you for years though?"

"She's relocating so I'm screwed if I can't find someone else as efficient as she is".

Chris snorts at this. "Like I told you, Camille could probably do the job with her eyes closed. She was able to manage when Josh had to take some time off for a while". He then looks to me, "I mean, you could always help Scarlett out for a while? I know we've been talking about keeping things separate to make it a little easier?" 

I smile at this. We had a long talk the other night about me potentially stepping down from being his assistant so I wasn't mixing work into our growing relationship. Maybe working for Scarlett could be the way of doing that. "That's not a bad idea". I say and look to Scarlett. "If you wanted to do that of course. And even if it's only for a short amount of time. It's your choice". 

"I'd feel bad about stealing you away from Chris".

"I'm sure we can work something out". I glance to Chris who gives me a light kiss on the lips. It takes me by surprise a little, but not that much. No one else has noticed anyway aside from Scarlett who knows anyway. 

Scarlett just grins and comments on how cute we are. "Ok, how about we do a run for six months, see how it all goes and then take it from there? I'm easy". 

"She's really not" Chris whispers jokingly to me with a shake of his head. 

I smirk at him. "Are you sure that you're ok with me doing this?" 

He nods. "Course I am". 

"Ok, well I guess we can get everything sorted out and stuff, right now though? Let's just enjoy this evening". 

And we do. 

I have a few drinks, but not enough to get me drunk. Of course everyone is in good spirits but it's also a little sad that this has come to an end. Still, onwards and upwards - Chris has got a lot of exciting projects in the pipeline anyway so it's not as though he's stopping altogether, but he is slowing down, at least that's what he says he wants to do. 

He comes over to me towards the end of the night and slides his arms around my waist, burying his face into my neck. "Now can I get you home? You've been driving me crazy all night". 

I turn in his arms and steal a quick kiss. "You're wasted". 

"And really need to be inside my girl right now". He kisses me again, hands sliding down my waist as he gives my ass a quick but cheeky squeeze. 

His girl. I hope he will always call me that, and that it'll always be true. 

"So get me home, Evans". 

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now