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I have never been happier to see Josh in my life than I am now. I ended up working from home for the rest of last week, avoiding Chris at all costs unless it was to double check something with him. In which case I just texted him rather than spoke to him on a call. Now I'm back and the world seemed to have righted itself.


"So what did he say when you told him then?" Josh looks up from his screen and across to me.



"No, not really - I think he was shocked but I couldn't really tell. Honestly if you'd have walked in on his half naked girlfriend last week without being told then you'd have been annoyed too".

He shrugs. "I'm used to the shit that Chris has pulled over the years. But I get what you're saying. He apologised though, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, he did".

"Look, I'm not gonna tell you what to do with your life, but I don't think you should leave. Perhaps we could come up with something that would work around you, I mean you've been busting your ass lately more so than usual".

"Yeah but I did that for you". I remind him.

"So? Look, at least give it until after Avengers has wrapped, I know that seems like a long time and you said you were going to see how things were when I came back, but to be honest? I really don't want you to back out on us now Cam. it's a busy year - besides, he's gonna be away for most of it so things might be easier? You'll be here and he's gonna be in Atlanta and stuff".

He's trying so hard, but it's not him that I need to hear it from.

Speaking of which, Chris now appears and welcomes Josh back, giving him a manly hug and asking if everything's now ok.

"Baquero, come with me". He now says.

I look up. "Where?"

"Taking Dodge for a walk, and you're coming too. I need to talk to you, that ok Josh? We won't be long".

Josh just gives me the nod and I get up, grabbing my coat as Autumn has fallen on Boston. Dodger is waiting with his lead, knowing that it's walkies time, and soon we're heading out and for one of the trails.

The silence between is unbearable.

Eventually he breaks it. "I wanted to ask you something".

"Go on". I say as we walk.

"Now just know I was actually thinking about it before you told me you could be potentially quitting, but I'm gonna put it to you anyway" He states. "I want you to come with Josh and me when I film Avengers next year. I don't wanna leave Dodge for a long period of time, even though he knows you and stuff, I like to have him around - so I was hoping you'd say yes. You got all the rental sorted for the house - you don't have to come to set, but some days it would be nice, and for Dodger to come too".

We continue walking as I think over his offer. "I see..."

"But like I said, before you told me you could be leaving, I was thinking about it. It's your call, I know that". He says. "I just...I thought it would be nice for you to not be alone like you always are".

"Thank you for pointing out my single lonely life". I say as he curses to himself.

"I didn't mean it like that, being away this year and then going on to film Gifted soon after, I felt like I'd kinda abandoned you, and that you were just stuck at mine. So thought it would be the best thing for everyone? Dodge would still be with me and looked after, my Mom can always check in on the house and you would have people around".

I feel bad now. He did really think this through. "I know you didn't, look, I'm sorry I sprung that news on you last week, but I thought that you needed to know before I decided. I actually spoke to Josh earlier and it wouldn't be fair to leave you guys during a busy year, especially if they brought in someone who needed to learn the ropes..." I tell him. "So if you feel that you wouldn't be as anxious doing what you said, then ok. I'll come out to Atlanta with you guys".

The circus music begins to play in mind because I am a literal clown for this man. All I need is the face paint to complete my damn look.

"I don't wanna push you into staying..."

You're not exactly giving me much of a choice either...

"How about this? Once Avengers is wrapped that's me done too. At least then I can help with the process of finding my replacement". I suggest. "Can we agree on that?"

"As much as I don't wanna, ok..." He agrees with a weak smile.

By now we've circled back to the house and come to a stop at the front door. "Camille? Are we cool?" He now asks before he opens the door.

I nod, knowing it's gonna be hard, but I can be professional when I want to be.

"Yeah Evans, we're cool".

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now