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I could kill Chris right now.

Only because I've been standing here making prolonged eye contact with his half dressed girlfriend for a few moments now, and it feels so much fucking longer. Neither of us look exactly impressed that the other is here but sucks to be her right now - for one Chris never gave me the heads up that she was going to be here, and two? I have a job to do.

"Man, I am drained..." Chris now shuffles in wearing just his underwear and I throw him the same look I've been giving Jenny. "Ah..." he looks a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for giving me the heads up so I wouldn't interrupt you". I stare at him.

He laughs weakly. "Sorry Mils - she surprised me last night, didn't you?" He puts an arm around Jenny and smiles. She gives him a small kiss that makes me want to just throw up over his kitchen counter.

"Right well if you could put some clothes on next time then that would be great. I'll be in the office". I grab my coffee from the side.

"I'll be waiting in bed for you". Jenny tells him as I make the blow job sign behind her.

Chris shoots me a warning stare but I make for the office before they start having sex on the counter or something. The only thing I'll do is blast 'sexual healing' loudly outside his bedroom door if I'm forced to listen to them. Trust me - I will cock block him all I can.

Josh calls to check in - he's back next week so peace will finally be restored. "How's it all going?" He asks as I begin to tell him about the wonderful surprise waiting for me this morning. He laughs down the line. "Other than that, has he been behaving himself?"

"Yeah, but erm...I've been thinking". I begin, checking the office door is closed so Chris can't hear.

"That doesn't sound good".

"I've been thinking about quitting". I say. He's silent for a moment. "Josh? You there?"

He answers. "We, yeah...I'm just shocked that's all - why? Something happened?"

"No, no - I just...I think I need a change that's all. Hours that will give me time to be sociable outside of work and stuff. Lately it's just been harder to meet up with friends and stuff. I need something less demanding".

"Ah right, you told Chris?"

Honestly, I have no idea how he'll react if I tell him I want to leave.

"No, I'm thinking about it, but it doesn't mean that I'll do it. It's just been in my head". Part of me wants to walk now, but another part is keeping me here - hanging on by a thread.


"Well at the end of the day you need to do what's best for you Cam. But if you do choose to go then we'll miss you a hell of a lot. Things have been so much easier since you came on board". He says honestly.

"I need to think about it". I say again, "anyway I'll see you when you're back".

We ring off and I get on with some work, shoving on my headphones. I don't hear Chris come in and jump slightly as he taps my shoulder.

"Sorry" he smiles, "just to let you know that Jenny and me are heading out to take Dodge for a walk".

I nod. "Have fun". Is all I say and turn back to my laptop.

"Cam..." he sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't give you the heads up before you came in this morning.".

"It's fine, I'm sure that people in a post orgasmic state wouldn't remember to do something like that anyway".

He groans. "I'm sorry ok?"

"If this is what it's gonna be like then I'll work from home. I'm sure she doesn't want me here either - it's like an invasion of privacy". I state.

"Can, you're always welcome here anytime. You know that".

"Try telling what to your girlfriend".

"She knows we're just friends. She's cool with it, and you." He tells me. "But if you're uncomfortable with the whole thing then I won't stop you from working at home. All you'd need to come here for is for the odd schedule meeting anyway". He suggests. "You've never let it bother you before though".

I continue trying to send my email. "It doesn't bother me".

Yes it fucking does. It bothers me that it bothers me so much because of how I feel.

"Camille - the way you looked at me earlier was as though I'd committed some kind of crime" .

I stop typing. "Look, I wasn't going to tell you this, but I may as well. I'm thinking about leaving".

"The house?" He now says dumbly.

"This! All this!" I gesture around us. "Lately it's been a bit too demanding, and that's not Josh's fault, but I need to think of myself and what I want".

Which is you, but that will never happen. I'm doing this to put me out of my own misery.

He's silent for a moment, taking it all in. "Oh..." he says quietly. He opens his mouth to say something else but in true form, Jenny appears at the wrong time.

"We going?" She asks, not bothering to acknowledge that we're having a conversation.

"Yeah, be there in a sec". He tells her and she disappears, calling Dodger from down the hallway. Turning back to me, I can see he looks disappointed. "You really wanna leave?"

I swallow and then shrug, trying to put on a brave face. "I don't know - I'm thinking about it, that's all".

He just nods at this. "Ok..."

Is that all he has to say?

"Go on - she's waiting for you". I tell him and turn back to the screen, trying not to look at him in its reflection, but I see him stand there for a while before he mutters something to himself and leaves the room.

Lifting my headphones off, I listen for the door, hearing it open and then close before I slump in my chair and run my hands down my face. I won't cry, I will not cry.

My traitorous eyes think otherwise.

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now