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Dodger is more excited the next morning as I get his lead and put it on him. Giving my reflection one last check, it'll have to do. It's incredibly hot out today so I've opted for a sundress and wedged sandals. I know that Chris is probably boiling in the suit for sure.

"Let's go see your dad"

Daddy. STOP!

We head to set, Dodge with his head hanging out the window and enjoying the air, and with a flash of my pass that Chris gave me yesterday, I park up and walk to the trailers. It doesn't take long to find Chris's and as he's on set with Josh, I let Dodger off his lead so he can sit and wait for his master to return - opening my laptop to do some work.

About an hour or so later, Chris returns with Josh in tow, getting attacked by Dodger as he walks through the door of the trailer. "Woah! Hi bubba!" He beams and makes a fuss of him, Dodger jumping all over him. "Ok, ok - I'm glad to see you too!"

He then looks up and his grin falters slightly on seeing me. "Hi to you too". I greet him, a little unsure as to why his expression changed. Maybe I look like shit, but hey , I don't care.

"Hey..." is all he says as Josh now asks whether I want a drink.

"Got a Fanta to keep me going, you breaking for lunch now?"

"Yeah". Chris replies, "er - you think you could go grab me a few things". He asks Josh who rolls his eyes.

"It's kind of what I'm here for - usual?"

"Yeah thanks". Chris replies.

Josh looks to me. "You want anything?"

I seem to have lost my appetite if I'm perfectly honest. "I'm fine".

"I'll take Dodge, he looks like he wants to stretch his legs - plus everyone's gonna make a fuss of him". Josh puts Dodger's lead back on and they go to catering.

Which just leaves me and my boss in yet another deafening silence. He's still wearing the damn suit and looks incredible. I won't lie - Steve Rogers is aging like a fine wine just as Chris himself is.

"Have I done something?" I finally ask as neither of us have said a word in the last few minutes.

"No, no, sorry I just..."

"You looked pretty disappointed to see me here, yet you were pretty much begging me to come yesterday".

Chris turns to me, and it's aiddebtly as though everything has changed. The air, the tension. Everything.

"Camille, you'd have me begging for you to come every damn night if you keep wearing stuff like this around me".


I look down at my sundress and then back at him, "you like it?"

"I think you know the answer, Baquero", and suddenly he's in front of me, our bodies almost touching.

Where has this even come from? Or have I not even noticed that he likes me?

Wait...does he?!

You're a fucking idiot Camille, the signs have been there.

"I..." I seem to have lost all ability to even speak.

"Cam..." he begins, but stops. Both of us staring at one another, until he leans in...


His lips touch mine before he pulls away, probably contemplating his actions before he sees I'm not about to run or slap him. They meet mine again, more forceful this time and I take a few steps back, my back connecting with the wall or door. Whatever it is, it's keeping me pinned between it and Chris.

Do something with your hands for fuck sake!

They immediately snake themselves around his neck, his body pressing against mine and hoisting me up.

We cannot have sex in his trailer - not when Josh is going to be walking in anytime soon. But this? It feels so fucking good I don't want it to stop.

One of his hands grips and squeezes my ass, the other keeping me hoisted up between him and the wall. And this stupid suit is getting in my way of doing anything to him.

We hear the door and I immediately scramble down and out of his arms, smoothing myself out while we both act innocent. "I mean it's really good detailing..." I quickly say and pretend to inspect the suit as Josh walks in with Dodger and the bag of food he's got from catering.

"It's good quality". I look at him.

"I know, poor bastard was cooking in it yesterday, weren't you?" Josh laughs, blissfully unaware of what he was about to walk into.

Chris turns to me and I brush past him, my hand tracing across a certain area and his body stiffens. I feel a certain sense of smugness at the fact that I'm the one who's making him that way. His actions just then spoke louder than any words could.

We make small talk as the guys eat, but during it, I can sense Chris watching me, both of us stealing glances when Josh isn't looking. Soon he needs to go back to set and Josh waits for him outside as he says he needs a minute.

"So, erm...I'm back around ten, maybe eleven tonight, but can I text you on the way back? I think there's some things we need to talk about".

Understatement of the year.

"Yeah, that's fine - I'm gonna head off with Dodge about five so will I see you before I go?"

"Probably, depending on what scenes they want and how long they take to reset". He looks at me before glancing back at the door, then kissing the corner of my mouth. Then he just stands there for a moment, like he doesn't want to go back out there.

"Go on". I tell him. "I'll be waiting".

"I know". He smiles, "I guess that's what I like most about coming back home".

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now