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Chris gets off his phone the next morning with a broad smile as I bring him his coffee. Iliana, his stylist, has once again made him look gorgeous- so much that my ovaries pretty much high five each another. It doesn't take much to get them going when he's around though.

"Time to get caffeinated Evans". I pass him the cup, which he takes a sip from immediately.

"Tastes better coming from you than it does from Josh".

We both look at one another, thinking the same about what he's just said and break down laughing. "I really hope you're talking about the coffee!" I manage to get out through my laughter and take a moment to calm down, but as we try, we still can't help but almost crack again when we make eye contact.

"And here was me thinking you were the sensible one, Baquero. Seems you've got just as much of a dirty mind as I can have".

"Believe me, it doesn't take much". I exhale deeply, finally being able to compose myself. "Right, anyway, are we ready? Megan will be here in a moment - I think she's just briefing the interviewers like normal".

She calls the shots about what they can ask and can't. Either way they still try it on - mostly asking about his personal relationships. Soon she manifests along with security and we make our way to one of the suites that's been set up for the purpose of the interviews.

The journalist gets up and says hello, Chris shaking her hand, and then they both sit down while we observe from the sidelines. There's water bottles in there so if he needs another drink then I'll give it to him.

You wish.

The journalist tries to overstep the mark but Megan swoops in tactfully, telling her that she's already requested they ask no personal questions. It's the perfect time to quickly slip Chris a bottle of water while she's reiterating that.

"Thanks Mils". He whispers. "What we got after this?"

"Appearance on Jimmy Fallon". I whisper back and he gives me a wink, then turning back to the interviewers who continues with her questions.

I love that even though he should feel irritated that she's tried to ask something personal, he doesn't show it. Instead he's still his charming self, laughing and joking with her - and everything goes smoothly until her time is up. Then it's into the car and onto Fallon.

There are fans who have come to try and catch a glimpse of him outside the studio, but he hasn't got time for autographs. He waves to them though as we accompany him inside and to the dressing room. Then I grab his lunch order.

I've barely had time to eat. Josh must spend half his life starving when he's out and about with Chris. "Mils - go get yourself something, I'm all good for now". Chris smiles as I sit there responding to a few emails on my phone. 

"I'm good". 

"No you're not, you look like you're about to pass out". He responds with some concern. "Go on, you need to take a break, it's not illegal". 

Sure feels it. 

Eventually I just nod. "Ok. Back in a minute". 

I go to the canteen and grab something quick, as well as a bottle of Fanta, quickly eating and then making my way back to Chris. He's just getting his mic on before he goes on, and now eyes me walking in. "You eaten Baquero? Am I gonna have to make sure that you're keeping your energy levels up?" 

"Depends on how you're planning to". The response falls from my mouth before I can stop it, and I then quickly unscrew the cap of my Fanta and chug it. "I mean...you're not gonna be on about how much I eat and drink are you?" 

Good save bitch. 

He stares at me for a moment and then shakes his head. "Er, no...just...y'know, make sure you drink a lot...of water...keeps erm, it up..." 

I can't help it. I can't!  "I'm...good at keeping it up..." 


"Chris, you're on in a few". One of the crew pokes their head round the door and I mentally sigh with relief at the save. 

"Ok, thanks". He says and we say nothing else as he leaves with security to head to the stage. 

"Seriously, what the fuck?" I now say to myself and put my hands on my hips, head shaking with disappointment at myself. This is what our friendship has always been like, except it seems to have changed somewhat lately, and I believe it's because of Jenny. "Stop Cam, you have to stop, he's taken, he likes her a hell of a lot..." I tell myself. But at the same time, I don't think I can bear to sit and watch him be happy, as much as I do want that for him. 

Geez I sound like a whiney child. 

I go to watch the interview from the side of the stage, joining Megan and security. I'm on a time limit, as I need to get back to the hotel, pack up Chris's stuff and then make sure I get it all to the airport where I'll meet them after the show has finished filming. "I'm gonna head off now. I need to make sure that Chris hasn't forgotten anything". I whisper to Megan who nods stiffly, half listening to me and half to what's being talked about. 

So off I rush, back to the hotel and the suite. Thankfully I just have to put a few things into Chris's bag, check I have his passport and then grab my own things and go down to check out. 

I can't wait to sleep. 

As I sit in the car, I stare out of the window - thoughts swirling in my mind. I'll stick things out until Josh is back, and then decide just what I want to do. 

Blush (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now